View Full Version : sieve client

04-23-2008, 06:47 PM
what is the fastest current sieve client that is simple to run meaning i don't have to do anymore than give it a range it has come to my attention that i have a rage currenly reserved that i forgot about. I have an AMD 64 adn win xp

04-23-2008, 07:15 PM
If your OS is 64-bit aswell, you would want to use the x86_64 client available here: http://www.geocities.com/g_w_reynolds/sr2sieve/ , if your OS is 32bit use the x86 client. Put the range in nextrange.txt as usual, and run sr2sieve.exe -js for sobistrator compatibility mode, wich is probably what you would want to use if you're used to the old jjsieve.