View Full Version : How to get started

04-11-2009, 11:59 AM
All this below is for a Port 8000 NPLB setup. You can edit it for any port you want to participate in.

Care Packages
http://www.ironbits.net/files/llrnet-1core-linux.rar - for Linux, single core, make copies into another directory for mulit-cores
http://www.ironbits.net/files/llrnet-4core-win.rar - for Winders - 4 core version ready to go
http://www.ironbits.net/files/llrnet-8core-win.rar - for Winders - 8 core version ready to go

For Linux, cd into each directory and run ./llrnet

For Winders, cd into each directory and run llrnet.exe

or you can use this script for Winders versions
(assuming the location for the directories PATH is as follows C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\... )
Put this script in C:\dcprojects\NPLB and call it Port8000nplb.bat
@echo off
start "NPLB-1" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB1 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-2" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB2 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-3" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB3 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-4" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB4 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-5" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB5 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-6" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB6 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-7" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB7 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-8" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB8 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe

For Vista, you can use this script (Vista allows you to set affinity for your cores http://www.free-dc.org/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif )
Put this in C:\dcprojects\NPLB and call it Port8000nplb.bat
@echo off
start "NPLB-1" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB1 /AFFINITY 1 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-2" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB2 /AFFINITY 2 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-3" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB3 /AFFINITY 4 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-4" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB4 /AFFINITY 8 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-5" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB5 /AFFINITY 10 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-6" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB6 /AFFINITY 20 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-7" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB7 /AFFINITY 40 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe
start "NPLB-8" /D C:\dcprojects\NPLB\Port8000\NPLB8 /AFFINITY 80 cmd.exe /C llrnet.exe

Edit the above scripts for the amount of cores you have and directory paths etc.

On the *-win.rar files, just be sure to edit each llr-clientconfig.txt at the following line 'usename=', for each core/directory you use, everything else is good to go http://www.free-dc.org/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

username = "LaurenU2" ; put your LoginID/UserName/Screen Name here

It don't get any easier than that folks. Join in the fun, it's only TWO days, then back to what you were doing http://www.free-dc.org/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

For Linux folks, here is a setup I use for starting the clients using screen
Don't know how screen works, here's the manual http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html :)

You need to change LoginID to your LoginID, create a nplb directory, then inside that directory, nplb1, nplb2, nplb3, nplb4 (for 4 cores etc)
Edit the llr-clientconfig.txt for you LoginID/UserName/Screen Name

Create a script called start8000, make sure you chmod 775 start8000 and put it in the root of your home directory
screen -O -S nplbclients -c ~/.screenrc-8000

Create another file called .screenrc-8000 and put it in the root of your home directory (note the . character at the beginning of the filename (makes it hidden))
(The 'hardstatus string' is all on one line, don't let it line wrap)
startup_message off
autodetach on
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{=kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B}%Y-%m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]'

#screen -t shell 0

chdir /home/LoginID/nplb/8000/nplb1
screen -t 8000-1 1 ./llrnet

chdir /home/LoginID/nplb/8000/nplb2
screen -t 8000-2 2 ./llrnet

chdir /home/LoginID/nplb/8000/nplb3
screen -t 8000-3 3 ./llrnet

chdir /home/LoginID/nplb/8000/nplb4
screen -t 8000-4 4 ./llrnet

Done http://www.free-dc.org/forum/images/smilies/cheers.gif

For Linux, I have a script I use to manage my 'screens'
Copy paste this into a file called screens, chmod 755 screens, put it in your $PATH

# filters the screen -ls output to show the sesssions
sessions=`screen -ls | sed -ne 's/[[:space:]]//' -ne 's/\((Attached)\|(Detached)\)// p'`
res=`echo "$sessions" | wc -w`

if (( $res == 0 ))
echo " No existing SCREEN session to reattach to..."

echo ''
echo " ------------------------"
#screen -ls | sed -ne 's/[[:space:]]//' -ne 's/\((Attached)\|(Detached)\)// p' | cat -n
echo "$sessions" | cat -n
echo " ------------------------"
echo ''

#if first argument is not specified, script will ask for number of screen

if [ -z $1 ]
echo -n " Reattach to session: "
read session

#attach to specified session
name=`screen -ls | sed -ne 's/[[:space:]]//' -ne 's/\((Attached)\|(Detached)\)// p' |
while read line
let "linenum += 1"
if [[ "$linenum" -eq "$session" ]]
echo $line

if [[ "$name" != "" ]]
screen -d -r "$name"
echo " Could not reattach to '$session'"

Now just type screens and if you have any screen session running, it will show you all of them and you can choose which one you want to work with. :D

Max Dettweiler
04-15-2009, 10:40 AM
One thing you forgot: After setting up the client, go to the Teams thread (http://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=10826) at the NPLB forum and post there that you'd like to register for Team Free-DC. AMDave or IronBits will get you set up in the DB as soon as they see your message.

Note: until you're registered in the DB as a member of Free-DC, your points will count towards team "-" (no team). Don't be alarmed by this; rest assured, this will be retroactively fixed when you're added to your correct team. :)

Note2: mersenneforum.org, where NPLB's forum resides, requires registration to post in most subforums (including NPLB's). When you post your first post, it won't show up immediately; again, don't be alarmed by this, because it will show up as soon as a moderator sees it and approves your registration. I'm pretty sure this is also how the Free-DC forum operates, but I figured I'd give you guys a heads-up just to be sure since we've had users get quite confused about this in the past. :)

04-18-2009, 08:45 AM
Note: until you're registered in the DB as a member of Free-DC, your points will count towards team "-" (no team). Don't be alarmed by this; rest assured, this will be retroactively fixed when you're added to your correct team. :)

Confirmed: At present, points move with the participant.

04-21-2009, 12:35 AM
Once you return one work unit, after the hour when the stats run, you will show up.
At that time, you can request to be added to a Team or request to have a new Team added so you can join it.
Use this link to do that: http://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=10826
Also would help if you sent along your email address where you want to be notified when you find a prime.
Instructions on how to do that will be outlined here shortly.

04-28-2009, 09:58 PM
Can I start using this thread for all my stupid NPLB questions? I really didn't mean to hijack the PoTM thread, but that's where all the action was :)

I registered on the new forum, and did my verification from the email. It still won't let me post there.

How do you know if you find a prime????

04-28-2009, 11:19 PM
You can check all your clients logs, very boring.

You give the admins your email address, and the server will email you when you find a prime.
Much the best way.

PM IB or AMDave.

04-29-2009, 12:06 AM
If his email addy is correct on this form, then the NPLB database already has it. ;)