View Full Version : women are like webservers

02-25-2003, 09:58 AM
400 Bad Request - question without bouquet
401 Unauthorized --> married
402 Payment Required - dinner with candle light
403 Forbidden - keep your fingers away!
404 Not Found - tonight with friends outside
405 Method Not Allowed - no backdoor!
406 Method Not Acceptable - no blowjob!
407 Proxy Auth. Required - I have to ask my mother
408 Request Timeout - Do you know how long you didn't phonecall me?
409 Conflict - Who is that girl?
410 Document Removed --> divorce
411 Lenght Required - That is a "big" thing?
412 Precondition Failed - You have no condoms?
413 Request Entity Too Large - THAT doesn't fit into there!
500 Internal Server Error --> menstruation
501 Not Implemented - I've never done that before
502 Bad Gateway - eeee salty!
503 Service Unavailable - headache
504 Gateway Timeout - It was already THAT?

02-25-2003, 07:27 PM

02-25-2003, 07:50 PM
This is a bit tasteless and too sexual. Kids come thru here ya know.