View Full Version : DF News

06-19-2003, 09:36 PM
And here's another from <a href="http://www.distributedfolding.net">PY222</a> which gives some updates by Howard (taken from the official DF site).<br><br><table width="90%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bordercolor="#63635A" bgcolor="#E7E7E2" align="center"><tr><td style="font-size: 12px; font-style: italic;"> <br>06/19/2003 <br><br>- We are not doing too well with power shutdowns lately. The hospital (where we are located) will be testing their power system and as a result, power will be out from approx. Monday June 23, 10:00 PM to Tuesday June 24, 5:00 AM. Thus all our servers must again be shut off during this period. The folding clients should, however, happily continue folding offline if you just leave them alone, buffering their work, and they will upload once the servers are back on. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience but we are at the mercy of our environment. The good news is this should be the last (planned) power-down for a while. <br><br>- We have fixed a crashing problem on Compaq Tru64 machines - if you were receiving a floating point exception error, please re-download the software again (you can overwrite the previous one safely) and it should be fixed. <br><br>- A FAQ on the phase II software/algorithm has been started, for those interested. Simply click on About above, then Phase II FAQ on the left. <br><br></td></tr></table><br><br>Thanks and keep them coming!!!!<br>