View Full Version : I declare this project dead

07-30-2003, 11:28 PM
when you cant submit results for more than 72 hrs. it is ridiculous

who seconds the vote of dead project :mad:

07-30-2003, 11:35 PM
Didn't Mk post that they where getting a new server? If not I wonder if they should ask for donations form their users to make a new server. Heck I would send five buck their way.. if every one else did we probably wouldn't have these problems any more?
La Chica, RushLvr and Cajun were just getting into spanking MK :D



07-30-2003, 11:54 PM
Are you sure you are not responsible for melting down their server with all the keystrokes you have uploaded??


07-31-2003, 06:54 AM
I would have donated also but I remember reading a post somewhere about how they were too proud to ask for donations and that TKC was started just for fun and that there paying projects were more important (obviously) but they also said they would go without a paycheck before asking for donations, well when is payday so I can dump my keystrokes?

Im sorry but I think this is a dead project:mad:

found it and this is what it said:

"I'm afraid you have no idea how all this works. You are not helping us by installing our software; in fact, for every user who downloads and installs TKC, we are losing money to bandwidth costs, cooling costs for the servers, upgrades and maintenance to handle new users, and dozens of man-hours spent dealing with user support.

It isn't an "honor" to use our software, its just a little thing we set up for fun. If you don't enjoy it, then by all means, quit using it. You're not accomplishing any grand contribution to your fellow man by running it, so if you don't want to, don't feel obligated. In fact, I for one would be happy if you quit running TKC and took your griping elsewhere.

The simple fact is, we don't have the money to upgrade the server. We barely have the money to run it, and we are losing money every time one of our workers has to divert his time to working on TKC instead of our paying projects. TKC is a service to everyone, and we are getting nothing from it. I personally feel that it is a point of pride that our service has not stooped to begging for donations or selling advertisement space, and I will tell you now that I would go without a paycheck next month rather than undermine that.

There is no point to this discussion. TKC is running fine, the load is down a bit without the rankings chewing up time, and we still sign up an average of 5 users a day. As far as I'm concerned, TKC is a marvellous success, considering it was originally designed for around 150 users. "