View Full Version : Scientists have discovered that the universe has a lot of dark matter, the cold dark

06-09-2013, 04:39 AM
Recently, new observations of astronomical suggests that our galaxy the Milky way is currently working with a high density of hydrogen formation of dark clouds of dark matter, "Smith cloud" rapidly approaching, there may be a "intimate contact", and lead to a new galaxy formation.
Research shows that: the galaxy dark matter galaxies with a super scale collision
Previously, scientists bold prediction, the collision will not happen. But in fact, the scientists believe according to the observation results, this situation may come. Moreover, the dark matter in the galaxy mass is about a million times the mass of the sun, may impact will trigger new material to produce more. The scientists say, density and internal structure of the dark matter in the universe is also explains why there is such a dark matter galaxies.
But scientists said, the high velocity cloud (HVC) is not the first time with the Galactic collisions, they have been through the Milky way several times. Astrophysicists identified, in the past about 70000000 years ago, the dark matter in the galaxy through a galaxy (collision with the Milky way), and in the past have many times contact. Moreover, estimated in the past, the dark matter in the galaxy has a greater quality. Scientists suspect that, in a collision in the past, the core structure of the Milky way influenced by this kind of dark matter in the galaxy cloud, hit by the explosion energy high quality.
A research team at University of Sydney in Australia found in a study of dark matter in the Milky Way Galaxy collisions, and clouds of dark matter is at least 100 times the mass of previous. According to the scientist's reckoning, known as the "Smith" clouds of dark matter in the galaxy will affect those with 45 degree angle to the galaxy, triggering a neutral in the collision of super shell hydrogen (super-shell) or the formation of a star formation in a burst of energy, and these results will be the core position in the Milky way to produce.
This discovery has led to the field of astronomy concerned. For the study of dark matter cloud, will help scientists determine the approximately more than 1000 dwarf galaxies, has many mysteries that have plagued the Milky way. The scientists say, is not only the meteorite comet colliding with earth will destroy the world, we must also pay attention to those mysterious matter more and the Milky way in the sky line collision. However, scientists still doubt, Smith cloud is perhaps a kind of invisible dark dwarf galaxies, the structure of the dark matter in the universe, especially surrounding our Milky Way galaxy, humans must also continue to explore.