View Full Version : Problem connecting behind firewall

10-13-2003, 10:42 AM
I'm trying to connect behind a firewall/proxy environment. Normally, when I use the proxy, there is a dialog that pops up asking for a username and password.

Our firewall at work only permits connecting using certain ports (e.g. 80, 443). From the FAQ I see: "If you're behind a firewall, try opening port 1777". Does this software require contacting the server on port 1777? I know when I tried contacting my home server from work on a non-standard port the firewall at work wouldn't let me.

I'm trying to connect from the dos shell (win2k) using this command:

start /low /b /wait java -Djava.security.policy=java.policy -DsocksProxyHost=my.proxy.at.work.com
KingKong myislandname -i 30 -c 60 myemail@home

with the values filled out, of course. It stayed this way over the course of the weekend, so I don't think that waiting any longer will help. :(