View Full Version : ? Bug in Stats.

Peter J. Shane
08-04-2014, 06:32 PM
The user name Cruncher Pete appears three times under Team Musketeers. Yesterday I noted that I was given credit on two of those names. The problem one seems to be under the CPID of ca0069569f7e08e20be635ee7a398c92. This user received a credit of 11,752 yesterday. On checking where the credit came from I noted that it was listed in the "Active Projects" that contained 6 retired projects. However, none of those projects gave credit accept the combined one. It is now a question if those credits are in fact legitimate and the system credited it to the wrong Cruncher Pete. If this is so similar thing might have happened to the second Cruncher Pete that is listed who is under a different CPID again.

08-04-2014, 09:48 PM
Give me some links to the pages and I'll see what I can see.

Peter J. Shane
08-05-2014, 03:19 AM
Sorry about that Bok, I did not want to give you extra work but this happened before and now that I am listed three times, I wonder if it is a bug since I have not changed anything in my crdentials for a long time.

1. http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=userteamcomb&team=Team%20Musketeers

2. http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=userbycpid&cpid=ca0069569f7e08e20be635ee7a398c92.

In 1. you will see that I am listed three times in position 2, 11 and 44 and in position 22 you might note that I have an addition of 11,752 scores.
In 2. It shows the old projects that are shown as Active Projects and the 11,752 appear to be a recent addition under DrugDiscovery@Home. When I looked at it yesterday, I did not see that because the 11,752 appeared only in the totals which I presume is also wrong anyhow.

Don't worry too much about it, I can live with it. Ha Ha.

08-05-2014, 07:55 AM
It's just a classic split CPID again. Looks like most if not all of them on the other cpid's aren't exporting stats any longer, so I've fixed it. QMC may come back at some point so you'll have to fix it there if they do. Optima@Home are also still exporting stats so you'll need to fix that one manually too..