View Full Version : '-u t' option problems not problems

03-28-2002, 01:48 PM
Text Client, Tru64 UNIX, Distributed Foldtraj v2002.03.21


I was the one who entered the two entries in Yahoo's bug reports about the '-u t' option. I forgot to enter my e-mail adress when I posted the bug reports, my apologies.

Here's a recap of what the 2 problems were and the solutions.

1) '-u t' didn't send all the files to the server. Only 6 would send. The solution is as you stated, also use the '-df' option. I did that and it works fine.

2) '-u t' didn't terminate when all files were sent to the server. Again you were correct, I didn't wait long enough. I saw the 'waiting 5 seconds...' message and assumed it was going to continue. When I didn't terminate it w/ ^C it did terminate. I was too impatient. :)


Brian the Fist
03-28-2002, 02:23 PM
haha. Yup I figured as much. It might seem a bit strange the way it does that 5 second wait still, but it just turned out to be a lot easier to code and avoid potential bugs that way. I figured no one would mind :p