View Full Version : 'FlashMob' Networks PCs for Ad-Hoc Supercomputer

03-28-2004, 06:14 PM
<b><i>By Mark Hachman <br>March 25, 2004 <br><br>University of San Francisco researchers are attempting to create a poor man's supercomputer cluster by linking desktop PCs and notebooks together through a conventional Ethernet network. <br><br>Part social movement, part scientific effort, the "FlashMob" software is named after the short-lived social phenomenon of random people coming together for brief activities. John Witchel, a USF graduate student and FlashMob co-creator, said he plans to make the software open-source. In about a week, USF will host about 1,000 people in its gym to demonstrate the technology, with a goal of cracking the Top 500 list of supercomputers.<br></b></i><br><br>Click <a href="#" onClick="parent.window.location='http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1554623,00.asp'">here </a> for the full article.<br><br>Thank you MrTRS for submitting this! Keep 'em coming!

04-10-2004, 04:03 PM

PY 222
04-12-2004, 03:39 AM
Did anyone in here attended?