View Full Version : M40

05-23-2004, 02:04 AM
George woltman is giving devious answers about M40(false positive).
Check out the thread "Everyone look"
There is also some questionable source code, in his software.

For instance if you had a $100,000 in the bank.
Would you let someone that you didn't know, and had never seen before have access to your banking numbers? I think not.

The scenario, is that the network(any hacker with proper means)
can silently recieve the $ prime you have found without notifying you.
The computer spits out a composite on your screen.
The transgressor then releases the prime as if it were there own,
or possibly with the help of an accomplice.
(They stick to their story, like the Nash social dilema indicates to do.)

Distributed computing for money, currently has a serious flaw.
There must be proper measure in place for RMA 1.7.
For instance mailing a letter with the exponent in it.
If prime, they double check and take steps directly to claim their full prize.
Subsequently notifing us all online, that they have found a new prime.

If I was crunching for money,

I would trust someone I did'nt know with my $100,000 prize?
I would take steps to claim the prize on my own?
