View Full Version : Expanded Rankings?

04-15-2002, 04:05 PM
Is there any way to see more individual rankings? At least the top 1000 or 500? It's kind of overwhelming just to see the top 10.

If not, are any expanded rankings being planned?


04-15-2002, 04:51 PM

04-16-2002, 04:00 PM

Thank you very much. The only problem, I know that my ranking currently is 366 and yesterday it was around 390. But I didn't see my username "Sanjeev" anywhere. Could you help please?

04-16-2002, 04:02 PM
higher than my distributed folding ranking. (I'm currently 366.)

Your ranking site is great!

Scott Jensen
04-16-2002, 04:10 PM
Odd. I've got a rank of 390, but I'm no where on your rankings. :(

Also, this would be nice if it was done by the project. I like seeing who I'm "directly" commiting for pole position with. :)

04-16-2002, 04:24 PM
might be because you don't have a username. The previous day, I couldn't find myself either. I just had my handle. When I made my username, I could find myself on the next day's rankings.

Scott Jensen
04-16-2002, 04:27 PM
Nope, I have a user name (Scott T. Jensen) so that's not the problem. Odd.

Scott Jensen
04-24-2002, 12:34 PM
Lately, I've seen myself slide further and further down in ranking when I check in using the search engine at the DF website. This has seemed very odd since I've always had the DF client on and haven't been playing a lot of computer games lately. However, everyday I would fall little by little in the rankings. Sighing and resigning myself to my fate and sinking ranking, I've been a bit bummed. Then yesterday, I checked the total number of volunteers and it really hasn't increased at all. OK, maybe people are adding more computers to their efforts thus that being the reason. Now today I remember about Statsman's ranking of the Top 1000, looked up this thread, and hunted for my name again. This time I found it and surprisingly it is at a different ranking than what I'm being told it is. It puts me in 371th place (where I'd expect it to be) as opposed to 397th (and slowly sinking) that the DF search engine puts me at. I'm now a bit relieved and happy, but also wondering what's going on. Any ideas on what's happening?:confused:

04-24-2002, 01:30 PM
The outside rankings usually only rank people that are on a team. This is more convenient for them and they figure that if you really care about the rankings part you can either join a team or just make one up.

The stats that you get from the DF site include everybody. If you look up teamless users on the DF site (6000+ people, it takes a while) you will probably find about 36 people with more WUs than you.

04-24-2002, 03:43 PM
The Top 1000 Users listing on my site includes users who are not on a team (Teamless Users). But I combine user names that are identical and I exclude the 'None' users for this listing ('None' users on a team get listed on that team combined into a single member). So your ranking on my Top 1000 will usually be somewhat different, generally lower than on DF's site, mainly because of the combining of user names.

I just looked up mine and I am #48 at DF and #49 on statsman, but I think I just moved up a spot since the last statsman update :)

Scott Jensen
04-25-2002, 10:48 AM
Statsman and others,

Then what explains my ranking being higher on Statsman's list than what the DF search engine puts it at? :confused:

04-25-2002, 01:31 PM
Let's make sure that our terminology is the same then we can tackle the question.

When you say your ranking is 'higher' are you saying your rank number on statmans is less in value than the rank on DF and therefore you are 'higher' on the list of the top 1000?

If this is what you mean, that can be explained by the combining that Statsman does of identically named accounts (you can see these as User Name's that have (#) at the end), the number is the number of accounts that are on DF that have identical User Name's. By combining accounts Statsman automatically reduces the number of users and therefore moves users 'higher' in the rank order (with a numerically lower rank number).

Other things can happen to move you 'down' (higher rank number). If multiple accounts that are all below you in rank are combined to a new total that is greater than yours, that user gets moved up in the rank and you get moved down.

Also you should only try to compare Statsman and DF at nearly the same time that statsman is updated (every 6 hours, 3,9,15,21 hours Eastern USA time).

Currently StatsMan is ranked #46 at DF, but #48 at statsman pages. The difference is the number of structures that I have done since the last statsman update.

So, take these things with a grain of salt. If your ranking is approximately the same (let's say +-10) between statsman and DF, then be happy. The only thing that is really important is are you moving up :) or down? :(

Scott Jensen
04-25-2002, 02:16 PM

My current rank on your ranking is 370th. Using DF's search engine, it is 396th. Much more 10 ranks difference.

04-25-2002, 03:21 PM

I counted 18 additional combined accouts in the users that are ranked above you that could account 18 of the 26 positions difference.

Also note that in the Top 1000 Users list I completely remove the 'None' entries, I am not sure how that might affect the difference since I cannot find a listing on DF's site that has all users rankings.

Does DF have a single page that lists all the users rankings? I cannot find it. Without that it will be impossible to determine the entire difference.