View Full Version : Help Needed: Installing FAD on Linux

06-03-2004, 12:58 AM
Anyone here installed FAD on linux yet? I was wondering if someone could post a howto. I "configured" it by using

./fadsetup -nickname magnav0x -email blah@blah.com -connect "When online" -country "United States" -CPU 2.4 -team 2020 -purge no -projects +Cancer

Apparently that didn't work cause it quickly died in about 5 minutes. What exactly do you need to do to get this running in Linux without needing to worry about it later?

06-03-2004, 01:09 AM
ok well I went with this:

./fadsetup -nickname magnav0x -email blah@blah.com-connect "selecting all jobs" -team 2020

Now I see ./loader running in the background using no CPU. I thew the server this command:

./server -l

And it spit back:

j1-1l3e-q1.log Queued
All Jobs: 0 completed ( 0%) 0 failed 1 queued 0 running 0 stalled

Doesn't seem to be doing anything. Do I have to load something other than the loader manually? I got one unit qued but it won't crunch it. I was under the impression that ./loader would load everything that was needed.

06-03-2004, 04:40 AM
This was working for me at the end of April, note you may want to chg the project list to suit yourself:

./fadsetup -nickname xxx -email yyy@zzz.aaa -connect "When online" -country "United States" -graphics Hidden -news yes -projects "+HIV-Cancer-Agrochemicals-Proteome-AntiBioterror-Malaria" -queue Window -team 2020

06-03-2004, 07:19 AM
Your setups look good. The first time you run it, it goes out & grabs the first queue entry, then shuts down. Most of the time, but not always. Wierd.

Anyway, fire up the queue server with: ./server -auto &

Then the actual thinker with: ./think &

Should take right off. ;) "top" should show it running all out.

Oh yeah. Check its progress by peeking in "server.log" or use a browser to check on "jobs.html".

06-15-2004, 10:56 PM
Linux help is in the Thinking Beta forum at Find-a-Drug (http://forum.find-a-drug.org.uk/index.php).