View Full Version : Calbindin (4ICB) and x-ray crystallography

04-16-2002, 02:41 AM

I just checked out the PDB data for the 76 residue protein we are currently working on..
I may have missed something , but the structure appears to have been resolved to the resolution of 1.6 Angstroms.
How then does it work out that if we get a structure of 0.0 A it equates srtucturally with the existing model?:confused:
Yours interestedly,

Brian the Fist
04-16-2002, 10:17 AM
A good question. Do not confuse the 1.6A X-ray resolution with the 0.0 RMSD. The crystal structure itself is considered the 'exact' structure (whether it is or not is subject to debate) and so we compare everything to it. Thus it has an RMSD of 0.0 to itself. The 1.6A refers to the precision, or blurriness, of the structure if you will. The higher the resolution (smaller number), the finer the details that can be picked out. At low resolution, say 6.0A, the protein would still have the same shape but would be a big blob with none of the finer details discernable. Note this is NOT the same as a 6.0A structure which has all the fine details and is simply not the same shape.

It can be confusing since both use the same units but hopefully this clarifies things a little.

04-16-2002, 12:14 PM
Cheers Howard!
Thanks ...I'm with it now! :thumbs: