View Full Version : Top 20 ????????

Arnim Weber (Rechenkraft)
05-06-2002, 03:22 PM
It would be very nice if the responsible people at DF would establish a top 20 on their Home Page in the near future. What do you think ???:swear:

05-06-2002, 04:25 PM
No need to get bent out of shape, but a top 10 page already exists. From the homepage http://distributedfolding.org just click the stats button. If you want it enhanced to show the top 20 instead of top 10 just put a friendly request in, and if it makes sense to Howard and doesn't require a massive change I am sure he will do it.

I just checked your personal stats, and you personally have nothing that would show up on a top 20 page. You are in the top 20 members on your team, which shows up on your team page:


Ni! :D

05-06-2002, 10:41 PM
You could try these pages: http://www.statsman.org/distfoldingstats/

They have all teams, all members of all teams and a top 1000 users page.

Arnim Weber (Rechenkraft)
05-07-2002, 06:34 AM
Thanx for answering, but I mean the Top 10 on the DF homepage (High-Flyer). I know the other stats sides. But it would be nice to directly have a list showing e.g. the Top20 Teams and not only the Top10 !!! There are a lot of nice Teams located > Top 10 !!!:)

05-07-2002, 07:28 AM
Hi Armin,

yes, great idea, but why only top 20? there are a lot of nice teams > 20 :)


Arnim Weber (Rechenkraft)
05-07-2002, 08:26 AM
Without a doubt :D

Brian the Fist
05-07-2002, 11:21 AM
If I may interject, I like to think of the 'top 10' list like getting a high score on Pac-Man. Did anyone ask Atari "can you extend the top 10 list on pac-man to the top 20? There's some good players who are in the top 20." I don't know the answer of course, maybe someone did. But the point is, it should be a challenge to get listed on the 'high score list', and gives you a goal to attain. Each time we make the list longer, it makes it all that much easier to get on it, thus lessening the challenge. So in the spirit of 'competition', I think I'd like to leave the list just as it is and I hope you will understand my reasoning. If you still disagree, feel free to present your arguments, but please keep our friend Pac-Man in mind.

05-07-2002, 01:43 PM
I'm going to add my 2 cents to this.

In SETI@HOME they have top 1000 lists.
In that 'other' folding DC project they have top 100 lists.

I've particpated in both and got into the top lists of both. My feeling was "WOW, I got on the list!".

With this project, having only a top 10 makes one feel "I never have a chance" :(

So, my vote would be for a longer list. :)

05-07-2002, 01:56 PM
That is the reason for Statsman maintaining his excellent stats pages. (http://www.statsman.org) You can see ALL of the teams listed in order and the top 1000 individuals also. If you want to have Statsman continue his fine service I recommend hitting his Paypal button every so often so that he can maintain his fine level of service. I have pressed that button 3 times so far because I enjoy his stats so much. I really would prefer Howard to focus on the science instead of spending too much time on the stats. Howard has made an improvement already to the stats so that individuals without team affiliation are now presented on a list also, so now Statsman and others (no longer Den Linux I am afraid) can provide their excellent stats pages.

05-07-2002, 05:38 PM
my 2p worth - probably not worth 2p - but i agree with Brian the Fist and KWSN_Millennium2001Guy on this one imho the stats produced by DF are more than adequate and cover the project nicely ;)

05-07-2002, 09:13 PM
Howard is 100% correct IMHO.

I am currently just south of the top 10 and greatly appreciate what it will take to get on that list. Leave Howard to the science and good people like statsman.org to the, ummmm, yeah, stats.

Peace and Ni!

05-07-2002, 09:14 PM
I prefer to have better informations about the result then great stats. Statsman is doing the job.

Arnim Weber (Rechenkraft)
05-08-2002, 09:40 AM
@Brian: I diagree I think it is easy to have that point of view having much computer power !!! So there are a lot of Teams who are fighting around e.g. position 20 or 100. These teams are totally ignored on the original home-page in the stats. So a bigger list would never badly influence motivation, I think. It will rise up motivation. :thumbs:

Brian the Fist
05-08-2002, 10:57 AM
The Top XXX will be proportional to the number of teams in the system. When the number of teams grows sufficiently large (as deemed by us) we will extend the list further. Again, getting on the opt 10 is like a 'reward' and so only the very biggest/best contributors will show up there.
:cheers: Remember, anyone can join any team, so you can always switch to a winning team if you like though your ex-teammates may not appreciate deserters :haddock:

08-22-2002, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by statsman
You could try these pages: http://www.statsman.org/distfoldingstats/

They have all teams, all members of all teams and a top 1000 users page.

We should have known you'd have it... =)

I'm curious how you go about pulling down all the stats and sorting the information out of them?



08-22-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Brian the Fist
If I may interject, I like to think of the 'top 10' list like getting a high score on Pac-Man. Did anyone ask Atari "can you extend the top 10 list on pac-man to the top 20? There's some good players who are in the top 20." I don't know the answer of course, maybe someone did. But the point is, it should be a challenge to get listed on the 'high score list', and gives you a goal to attain. Each time we make the list longer, it makes it all that much easier to get on it, thus lessening the challenge. So in the spirit of 'competition', I think I'd like to leave the list just as it is and I hope you will understand my reasoning. If you still disagree, feel free to present your arguments, but please keep our friend Pac-Man in mind.

How about the current Top 10, but you extend out to maybe 15 so we can so is going to get run over?

The Pac-Man analogy is good... but this should be thought more of a Pac-Man competition. We don't just want to see the Top 10 scores, we want to see who's going to making a move on those scores very soon. I'd say a Top 13, but there's a certain negative myth associated with that. Maybe a Top 12. That would list the next two contenders for the Top 10 list.

However, there is much to be said also for using Statsman who/which does a heck of a bang-up job. =) Have you considered a prominent link for Statsman. For example: By the Top 10 charts, say right before or after, include a link to Statsman that says "To View ALL the teams or individuals, visit statsman.org - http://www.statsman.org/distfoldingstats/

For a non-profit site that handles multiple projects, I think its the least any project could do to link to him. =) And you can always put a little clause about leaving your website... not responsible for content... etc. etc. etc.



08-22-2002, 06:03 PM
Just out of curiousity...

How much trouble would it be able to include an active teams and active individuals totals? Anybody/team who turned in results in the last 24HR would be counted towards the totals.

Also, I'm curious if and when you go in and clear out the "deadwood" out the stats so to speak. I noticed a rather large number of teams with zero stats. Seems it would be to your benefit both in space and CPU time to clear out inactive entries periodically. Of course for the individuals, they'd be kept if they were part of an active though.

BTW, this is just my pet peeve, how can you have a team of 1 person anyways? A team implies multiple people. Always bothers me when online gaming people pop-up and ask if you want to join their team. How many people you got? Oh, its just me... That's not a team!? Sorry, just a random rant...
