View Full Version : DoubleDCing question(2 projects at once)

10-10-2004, 07:39 PM

I'm very interested in participating in this project. The problem is that I also want to stay with a different project. It's priority is set to priority idle:normal. I seem to remember from another post that this project is set much MUCH higher. Is this true? If so, what is the cpu usage, especially when it comes to the Floating Point Unit? On my project the FPU is always using every spare cycle, so whatever DistHard uses, it would use everything that's left. How much is this?

If I can get them to play nice, I'd love to suggest my project as a possible additional way to donate cycles.

Thanks for your help.

10-11-2004, 12:45 PM
Hi Jasong and welcome to dhep:drums:

DHEP automatically sets itself as "idle mode" in windows and -19 in linux which is the lowest priority in both operating systems. It will use all processing power available.

If you want to share between two projects I recommend you set them both to the same priorty level.

:cheers: Miguel