View Full Version : This time I've had it.

12-13-2004, 08:33 AM
That's 20 completed work units hosed by this piss weak import/export process.

I was hoping to run for a week longer but I've had it.

No point putting in the effort just to lose it all by a flakey client.

:swear: :swear: :swear:

12-23-2004, 06:08 PM
One can only import jobs to the THINK Server from which they were exported. Do NOT delete exported jobs from the THINK Server because the results cannot be imported if you do. The sneakernet computers must be running a gold client. There is no (easy) way anyone can install a beta without an internet connection and some beta queries will not run on older versons of the client. In what way did you lose the jobs? I hate to see anyone leave Find-a-Drug.:(

12-24-2004, 03:21 AM
I'm a resilient kinda muppet and it was pobably partly luser error, methinks, though don't tell anyone.:blush:

12-24-2004, 07:06 AM
Thanks for the honesty. I was at my son's house recently and I checked to see why his computer had not returned a job in the past three days. His CPU is rated about 200, and it had been working on a job for over two days. He is quite capable of administering his computer, but he is too busy much of the time. His installation runs without an icon and had been running without intervention for eleven months.

Without thinking, I did exactly what will cause a job to be rejected every time: I saw the "Think connection" indication in the tool bar. I realized that the computer was not connected to the internet. I connected, opened the THINK Server and clicked on Send. Since server.exe was already trying to connect and send the prepared results, pressing Send caused the results to be rejected. :bang:

12-24-2004, 07:25 AM
I imported 7 results for a remote box and started to upload, I then remembered I had another 6 or 7 from another offline box on the stick and went to import.

Meanwhile the upload had finished, being a tidy muppet I clicked on remove to remove the uploaded wus just to see the next set of wus were also higjlighted as they had just been imported and were removed too.

:bang: :swear: :bang:

12-24-2004, 07:40 AM
That's what gives us the distinction of being "more experienced users." :thumbs: