View Full Version : May have reserved too much for factoring.

05-29-2005, 05:42 PM
Hopefully, I haven't done too much damage, but here's the deal:

I have only one lonely computer to apply to my DC hobby, but I like to jump around. My sieving commitment is set to complete around the middle of June and I was getting bored, so I decided to do a small amount of factoring. I reserved from 9370000-9380000 and it told me I had 262 numbers in that range.

Approximately how long will that take? Since I'm sieving a very low range, there's little possibility that my sieving will matter for the next 1-2 years, but I don't know whether or not people will want to look at my efforts in the interim.

Can someone please state an opinion as to what I should do next? I have a 1.75GHz Sempron running things, so that's another possible concern(I'll have to keep an eye on things).

Any advice, including the assurance that as long as I remember my commitment I'm fine(I hope) is welcome.

Edit: my "very low range" is 58000-59000 999-50M

edit 2: According to my math, applied to a partially completed first test, the first test will take about 7600 seconds, or about 2 hours 6 minutes. Multiplied by the 262 number, that amounts to about 23 days. Given the present rate, did I screw up? Should I start over with a lower range(maybe halfway through what I have right now) I think that's what I'll do, sorry for cluttering things.

05-29-2005, 08:02 PM
Your splitting in half idea was good.

Anyway, ranges that are passed by will never be redone, I think, and the reservation is so, IMHO, only important for the present, not for the future. As there is enough to factor for everyone, it's no big deal if you reserve too much. It would have been passed by anyway.
The only thing are statistical purposes.
See you, H.
PS Correct me if I'm wrong.

05-30-2005, 11:03 AM
I think the more important issue here is which processor you are running and how much memory and what type you have.

If you have 512MB or less single channel I'm not sure if factoring is the best use for your machine.

Spemrons especially socket-a version are much more efficient in sieve than prp or factor. But if you have 1G of dual channel it's a tougher call.

I say run what ever make you happy.

05-30-2005, 04:55 PM
Apparently, my first statistics were way off. It's taking almost exactly 5hrs30min on the last test.

I'm going to chalk it up to a learned lesson and unreserve all my uncompleted, since I don't even have 512MB of memory(more like 484MB total). Obviously, I have room for an upgrade, but not until I get another job.

Thanks for the heads-up, vjs. Factoring is more beneficial when compared to prping, but sieving, from a statistical standpoint, is probably precisely where I need to be.