If you've done SETI@Home classic at some point, you might be interested in checking your stats there again. According to the the technical news column:

"In other fun news: We finally got around to adjusting Classic credit for users that showed obvious signs of cheating. In Classic, it was very easy to cheat the system to get credit without doing any actual work. We ended up partially or entirely removing credit for about 900 of the top 10000 users (all of which had about 20000 or more credits). Below that there wasn't enough data to show obvious signs of rampant cheating (not to mention enough time and disk space to run the checks on the remaining several million users). These adjusted credits should be sync'ed up with the BOINC databases soon if not already. Case closed."

After removing cheaters I moved from 800 something to 600 something. And it was nice to see that many of the folks who were blowing by me aren't on the list anymore.

Also, the class pages (where they group everybody by the day they joined) are not filtered for inactive accounts anymore (but cheaters are deleted or have a 0).

Have a look!