This was posted yesterday over @Willys:
Quote Originally Posted by Slicker
The server crashed this morning leaving the MySQL innodb tables in a corrupted state. The log files were also corrupted. Since MySQL can't even start, repair is out of the question. (Why can't it start and make the corrupted database unavailable so that one can drop it and then restore instead of wiping out the entire innodb installation and starting from scratch? Gotta love freeware.) The good news is that the database backups ran just a short while prior to the crash. A replacement server was purchased and already in the process of being configured so rather than restore to the existing [flaky] server, it will be restored to the new server. The bad news is that it will take a few days, and, if I can't get it all configured and up and running by Tuesday, Collatz may be down for another week or more due to other obligations.