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Thread: Stats Issues

  1. #241
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yeah, had some pretty severe storms roll through last night. Got 4" rain in a few hours here. Lost power a couple of times and it's corrupted a few tables. I'm repairing now on one of the databases. The totals might be messed up on that one today which will cause some odd looking swings as it goes between databases, but that'll fix itself overnight tonight.

  2. #242
    CO2 Emissions Algae Scientist Nflight's Avatar
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    Damn it the WHEELS FELL OFF! NO other explanation needed at this time

  3. #243
    CO2 Emissions Algae Scientist Nflight's Avatar
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    Its now a day later and I still have no team position or even mention anywhere! Any clues yet ?

  4. #244
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    where specifically ? link to page please.

  5. #245
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    where specifically ? link to page please.
    If Nflight has the same problem(s) as me:
    • userbycpid, Summary: no team
    • userbycpid, combined score: no team, hence '0' as teamrank
    • userbycpid, Mega Mile Stones: no RankT
    • userbycpid, Other Mega Milestones: no RankT
    • userbycpidmilestones&cpid: no RankT
    • usersubprojects&cpid: no RankT

  6. #246
    Member Peter J. Shane's Avatar
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    My results for Cruncher Pete in Collatz alone shows: 6,388,699 yest the combined totals read: 2,553,905. ?Database problem.
    Keep on Crunching and have a nice day...

  7. #247
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    link? But likely it's because of split CPID given all your name changes I would guess?

  8. #248
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    I seem to have lost my Mega Milestones badge as well. Used to be the same color as Bok's.
    The MegaMilestone badge -nice and shiny turquoise last time I saw it- has gone again...and has re-appeared
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 07-25-2016 at 07:16 PM. Reason: and has re-appeared

  9. #249
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter J. Shane View Post
    My results for Cruncher Pete in Collatz alone shows: 6,388,699 yest the combined totals read: 2,553,905. ?Database problem.
    One of the two stats servers is a day production out of sync for today and half a day for yesterday. I keep flip-flopping between 2,664,965,907 and 2,669,xxx,yyy credits today and my total score for yesterday was lower than my BU score alone for yesterday on one of the two servers.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 07-25-2016 at 07:46 PM.

  10. #250
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    • WCG subproject Open Zika has a new badge: in my case.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 07-31-2016 at 07:07 PM. Reason: Primaboinca scores have propagated into the stats.

  11. #251
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They changed the badges?

    I will look and update them.

  12. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    They changed the badges?

    I will look and update them.
    Hmmm, looks like something is broken with the WCG stats. It looks like the WCG exports have not made it into the Free-DC stats. All zeros for project total daily production. Last good import seems to have been 8/04.

  13. #253
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I can not get the datafiles at all, they always crap out, tried going through at least 10 different proxies but still same problem. Somehow my ISP is blacklisted. So I gave up today and paid for a VPS out in the cloud. I'll have to script something to download automatically there, start u pa webserver and point an aname record to it, but it's a solution. In the meantime I downloaded the files manually on that machine and have just sftp'd them over. They are updating now.

  14. #254
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Going from forum to stats doesn't log me in. There's no place to login into to stats. CPID Page, Your Page, Your CPID page, Your Stats Page... nothing asks for a login.

  15. #255
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    I'm still unable to load my stats. Everything seems ok and I am using the same URL that has worked before but the screen just sits there saying 'Loading Stats' with a turning pinwheel.

  16. #256
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavanius View Post

    Going from forum to stats doesn't log me in. There's no place to login into to stats. CPID Page, Your Page, Your CPID page, Your Stats Page... nothing asks for a login.
    There has never been a place to login on stats. Never a need. At login if you check the 'Keep me logged in' on the forum it should pick up your cookie for the domain and then IF you have created an id in statstool it will use the data in there. Though I'm not sure statstool works all that well these days - I can create an entry manually.

  17. #257
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RTS48 View Post
    I'm still unable to load my stats. Everything seems ok and I am using the same URL that has worked before but the screen just sits there saying 'Loading Stats' with a turning pinwheel.
    Which page ? Link please.

  18. #258
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  19. #259
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    hmm, works fine for me. If you are able to debug the connection at all, perhaps with Chrome developer console it might show what is going on?

    Also try the equivalent on stats6 - and see if that works.

  20. #260
    Hi Bok,

    First of all, thanks for all your hard work with these over the years. I've used your stats pages for somewhere in the region of 12 or 13 years now, which is slightly terrifying (in both that I'm getting old, and that my numbers are so bad for having been in DC that long).

    Anyway, main reason for posting - user stats for a couple of projects that I checked (DPAD and Folding@Home) were playing up. They seem to have corrected themselves now, but on the project overview the users wasn't filling in, and if you went on to a team view, no data for members was showing, or anything at all on the users view. They are both showing now, but it seemed a bit odd and made me wonder if something was crashing. I first noticed the issue with DPAD last night, so 12-14 hours ago and it was still playing up in the last half hour. Anyway, I figured reporting it might ring a bell somewhere.

    Cheers for everything.

  21. #261
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    might be a corrupt table on one of the databases, will run some checks and correct.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    hmm, works fine for me. If you are able to debug the connection at all, perhaps with Chrome developer console it might show what is going on?

    Also try the equivalent on stats6 - and see if that works.
    Still doesn't work Bok - I have even tried in Safari (I use Firefox normally). No joy with either URL

  23. #263
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    I finally got there Bok - don't ask me what happened because I haven't a clue. I worked my way down to my stats page from the home screen and finally the stats appeared. I have now re-bookmarked the URL so I hope it all continues to work. Strangely enough, immediately after getting it to work on Firefox, the Safari screen appeared too - weird eh?

  24. #264
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    PMing you with a different link

  25. #265
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    There has never been a place to login on stats. Never a need. At login if you check the 'Keep me logged in' on the forum it should pick up your cookie for the domain and then IF you have created an id in statstool it will use the data in there. Though I'm not sure statstool works all that well these days - I can create an entry manually.


    You're not understanding me here.

    I have a stats id, but there's no way to get to it from the forum or from the stats page. It appears your stats page isn't quite a part of the main site. If you're in the forum or the stats page, there's no link to the main site where you can login and then you can go to your stats. NONE of the links as mentioned in the original post prompts you to login to access your stats. It just ignores the issue altogether and of course there's no data displayed although it happily displays pages.

    You'd have to manually load the main site, login there, then click on stats at which point you would have your stats. At least I think it's suppose to work like that. I was just checking and I'm logged into the forums and the main site, but when I goto my stats from the main site, it still says I'm not logged in... I'm on a fresh browser, so it's not old pages in the cache...

    Actually, I think you planned on eventually updating the website and getting things all cleaned up.

  26. #266
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Boinc Combined Score shows zero credits on one of the two servers for today, I get stuck at 2,767,034,383 as total score [BOINCstats shows 2,771,734,181.61 for me]

  27. #267
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavanius View Post

    You're not understanding me here.

    I have a stats id, but there's no way to get to it from the forum or from the stats page. It appears your stats page isn't quite a part of the main site. If you're in the forum or the stats page, there's no link to the main site where you can login and then you can go to your stats. NONE of the links as mentioned in the original post prompts you to login to access your stats. It just ignores the issue altogether and of course there's no data displayed although it happily displays pages.

    You'd have to manually load the main site, login there, then click on stats at which point you would have your stats. At least I think it's suppose to work like that. I was just checking and I'm logged into the forums and the main site, but when I goto my stats from the main site, it still says I'm not logged in... I'm on a fresh browser, so it's not old pages in the cache...

    Actually, I think you planned on eventually updating the website and getting things all cleaned up.
    You are correct that the forum and the stats site are not really linked, they started off totally separate, I didn't even run the forum. Though they do these days run on the same webserver, but not the same database server. I don't really intend to link them any further that is already in place. the stats site looks for the bb_userid cookie from the domain - if it does not find that, or the cookie finds an id/pw combo that is not held in the statstool table it will show login. So check whether that cookie is showing.

    As for rewrite, you can go to stats6. It will eventually be flipped over to be the main one, perhaps sooner rather than later, I unfortunately just have zero time to do much personal coding as I have a major project at work (American Airlines) I'm spearheading to move our financial systems out to the cloud...

  28. #268
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Boinc Combined Score shows zero credits on one of the two servers for today, I get stuck at 2,767,034,383 as total score [BOINCstats shows 2,771,734,181.61 for me]
    I've repaired a few crashed tables - it's always on the same disk/db so I think it may be going bad, though no indications from logs at all.

  29. #269
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I've repaired a few crashed tables - it's always on the same disk/db so I think it may be going bad, though no indications from logs at all.
    There might be a new table gone south: look at the MegaMileStones, Squarepants-wise. I used to have some 1386 and having a 30th ranking, now it is 552 and 15th.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 08-18-2016 at 02:32 PM.

  30. #270
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    nah, that's just because the user table was crashed when the MM script ran over night.

    I'll run it manually now.

  31. #271
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Bok, let me know if you want to setup a west coast mirror for the stats. I have the bandwidth plus the computer power to do it. I can even setup remote access for you to work on the system.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  32. #272
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Both combined score and my best project (BU) have gone on page=userbycpid on one server and the other is still showing 2,767,034,383 for me (should be some 2,778,290,643).
    Looks like the mirror offer needs to be taken seriously.

  33. #273
    Administrator AMDave's Avatar
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    deep in a while-loop
    Anyone looking for a reason why BURP stats just jumped again should look here:
    BURP are still making corrections to their historical data.
    Although this latest adjustment just cost me another Bok, I'm sure most will be glad to see the corrections to the scoring problems caused by the (now old) "CreditNew" algorithm.
    . . . . . ___
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  34. #274
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    the stats site looks for the bb_userid cookie from the domain - if it does not find that, or the cookie finds an id/pw combo that is not held in the statstool table it will show login. So check whether that cookie is showing.

    As for rewrite, you can go to stats6.
    Stats 6 shows not logged in too. Your Stats Page and Statstool don't exist.

    I remember way back when I first joined you had to manually link my account to my CPID for some reason the server wasn't doing it automatically. I think you have to again because I'm not seeing anyway to get to my stats except by a manual lookup. :/

    It's not the cookies and milk because I'm on a fresh browser. Actually, it was setup and then after the Windows Anniversary update that whole config was wiped out. Fortunately it was nothing critical on it.

  35. #275
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Copied from another part of the forum:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    My 'MM' badge suddenly looks gold instead of sapphire to me

  36. #276
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I have no access to my servers till Saturday at the earliest I'm afraid. Vacation time..

  37. #277
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I have no access to my servers till Saturday at the earliest I'm afraid. Vacation time..
    I hope you've had a nice vacation. Did the 'MM' badge criteria change, or did I drop so much levels for this badge?

  38. #278
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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  39. #279
    Users are not showing in poem stats. Guess it might be related to the recent issues poem had.

    Thanks Bok for your work

  40. #280
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    Hey bok,
    The User stats seem to be out of action today whilst the Team stats appear OK.

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