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Thread: unable to update my stats

  1. #1

    unable to update my stats

    Hi, I am a newby to this site. Created my account a couple of days ago and have tried to link my CPI to this site. Am I doing something wrong. I followed the instruction founf in FAQ #6 .

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I suspect you are hitting the wrong button (I know it's confusing and I need to do something about it!!).

    Go to Statstool, enter your CPID at the bottom of the page, then scroll back up to the top and hit Update button there (NOT the Update by CPID).

    Then it should save it and as long as you click the 'Remember Me' button when logging into the forum you should see a 'CPID page' in the stats which should take you to your cpid page.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the rapid reply, I tried every way possable including what you sugested but still have not had any success .

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It looks like it worked. I see the cpid attached to you in the database.

    When you go to the stats site, do you see - at the top of the left sidebar under the flags something saying 'Logged in as Sir Mick' ?

  5. #5
    Yes, under the CPID page there are some of my stats although the recent milestone was dated novenber 15. I made 21 milion on november 22 and 22 million november 28. Under "Your ststs page" is still empty.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    'Your stats page' is really for nonBoinc projects. You would need to fill out the various id's in statstool for it to show things, click the 'Your CPID page' for your BOINC page though as that should show now.

    25Million is the next combined milestone, it increments in 5M's between 20M and 100M, then in 10M increments.

  7. #7
    Ok, Thanks for the info.

  8. #8

    unable to update my stats

    I was unable to join my channel today and I applied the update thinking it would fix it but now its still broken.

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