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Thread: Negative totals?

  1. #1

    Negative totals?

    How does Britton30 come up with a negative number?

    "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer " [Douglas Adams (11 March 1952 – 11 May 2001)]

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    By having a split CPID, note that he has two entries in the list..

  3. #3
    I found out that he had upgraded the Boinc Manager with WCG's version. When he discovered his mistake, he upgraded with Boinc's version. I think that is how the split happened. How do we fix it?


    Edit: As a side issue, my banner shows three Collatz badges. Your's only shows one. Who is correct? IMO, you only need one. The latest one. Thanks again.
    "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer " [Douglas Adams (11 March 1952 – 11 May 2001)]

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    split CPID's from active projects can only be fixed at the projects themselves. Always make sure the username is the same across projects and it should sync up over time.

    Collatz badges are fixed.

  5. #5


    Britton30 is still not sync'ed up.

    The old listing shows him as working WCG only...

    The WCG listing only has one listing for him...

    How can WCG be reporting two listings for him and showing only one listing in the PCHF team?

    "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer " [Douglas Adams (11 March 1952 – 11 May 2001)]

  6. #6
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It's not. Once you see one listing without any projects attached to the combined, then it's synced and the old one needs to be deleted (which I've done).

    It's too dangerous to automatically delete these, so I have that commented out in the script.

  7. #7
    Hi, folks, couldn't find this anyplace else, so I must wonder: how did I lose 41,000 or so points yesterday? I've seen this on other sites that track my stats, too, and noticed it on others' totals as well. Could someone explain? My total went down, but none of my project totals did. Thanks for the help...

  8. #8
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Most likely a split CPID, post a link to your userbycpid page and I'll see if I can find out.

  9. #9
    My statistics page is

    Thanks for your help. Am interested in learning the cause...

  10. #10
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It is a split CPID. Climate prediction dropped off that main CPID and ended up here

    You've actually got a bunch of CPID's hanging around Though one of them has no projects attached which is ok.

  11. #11
    Thanks for the help. I do indeed have several that have popped up. How, I don't know- I only registered once at BOINC, or only tried to. I don't suppose it's possible to just force all the other user ID's into the one w 3.77M credits and clear up the matter once and for all? I'm not much with all the technical programming of things here, but it seems to be an idea... thx

  12. #12
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I can do that, but it would only 'stick' for old projects that are not exporting xml. Those that are it would just overwrite it again when they came in I'm afraid.

    by the way, whereabouts in NC are you?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I can do that, but it would only 'stick' for old projects that are not exporting xml. Those that are it would just overwrite it again when they came in I'm afraid.
    I believe you lol. I don't understand machine language very well. I'll just add all my totals up across the 4 cpid's and count that as my total. I suppose I -am- here to contribute to humanity and to science and not my own sense of self-worth via garnering points. But I like feeling important haha.

    by the way, whereabouts in NC are you?
    Charlotte. Home of a half-arse basketball team, an under-performing football team, and more banking capital than anywhere in the US save New York It's a gorgeous city with a lot of nice people, too. If you have a couple of decades to spare, re-locate here...

  14. #14
    Thanks from before, Bok. Was wondering if you could do it again for me 3 years later lol...

    Specifically, if you could merge 43881931215f25809592945129a4169e and 7bd7cee607ad34b8fc87ea7a13907ee3 into 636c1b923aad4eda6740be0afbee2e90 ...

    and could you tell me again what exactly can mess up the totals? Maybe if I reattached under an old number by accident? Thx... Cesium*...

  15. #15
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    There are four Cesium_133's:
    One without * at the end from Canada (both team and country), first seen on Mon, 06 Jun 11 and only doing Constellation@Home. My guess is that he/she is not related to you, but I may be wrong.

    Then there's three from your team, Sicituradastra, beginning with one first seen on Sat, 17 Jan 09 -43881931215f25809592945129a4169e-. he's doing mostly retired projects like FreeHAL@Home (86,343), Climate Prediction (43,535), QMC@Home (27,946), Orbit@Home (15,715), ABC@Home (5,187), Beal@Home (1,000), Drug Discovery@Home (724), Optima@Home (144), Gerasim@Home, still active project (102), Superlinkattechnion (61) and Plagiarism@Home (21).

    Another Cesium_133* with a taste for retired projects is 7bd7cee607ad34b8fc87ea7a13907ee3, first seen on Mon, 01 Dec 08, doing Spinhenge@Home (62,744), Correlizer (10,181), OProject@Home (4,184), Virtual Prairie (3,802), Seti@Home, still active project (3,557), Intelligence Realm (3,375), Seti@Home Beta, still active project (2,687), YAFU, still active project (2,599), Riojascience@Home (2,292), Eon (1,4580), FightMalaria@Home, still active homepage (1,376), Distributed Data Mining, still active project (1,271), SHA Collision (1,270), GeneticLife@Home (1,223), Hydrogen@Home (864), Cels@Home (750), Nqueens (734), Volpex@UH, still active project (724), AlmereGrid (427), Magnetism@Home (273), Ufluids@Home (217), Citizen Science Grid, still active project (194), Rectilinear Crossing (96), AlmereGrid Test (19), SUDOKU@VTAIWAN (16), Physics@Home (12).

    You could try to merge these two into 636c1b923aad4eda6740be0afbee2e90 yourself -at least for the still active projects- by adding the projects to your present machines and by updating those projects.

  16. #16
    I can try to do that, Dirk... thanks for the idea. Merging whole accounts en masse isn't possible? Or how about just those retired projects that aren't sending out stats anymore? Just curious... thanks...

  17. #17
    And those are all mine, Dirk. The one w/o an asterisk was a short-lived account I had when I got a new computer- I was not yet a part of sicituradastra. Most of those projects are tired... I would need them combined from your end, and would be grateful if you or Bok could do so...

  18. #18
    Hi, Dirk-

    Been trying to combine... not working. How might I do so? Thx, John 3.1.18

  19. #19
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Your biggest problem is all those projects that are retired, so you can't combine them with your main account because the servers do not exist anymore.

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