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Thread: A thought: Free-DC Triple Crown

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    A thought: Free-DC Triple Crown

    So I was thinking that an additional badge that could be given out by Free-DC would be a "Triple Crown." It would be granted to anyone who simultaneously was in the top 10 for Trigggls, Boks, and TeraBoks. And once achieved it would continue to stay with the cruncher for life. As for the badge itself, how about the MM badge with three small crowns on top? Although I am not sure I like this as a crown is often given out by projects to represent that the cruncher has donated or contributed to the project.

    Currently one would need 7 TeraBoks, 18 Boks, and 13 Trigggls to achieve #10 rank in each of the categories.

    I though about the badge for being #1 in each category but that would require 16, 50, and 43 respectively. 109 projects would be very extremely hard to achieve, most serious crunchers have long since surpassed this. And newer crunchers are unlikely to have 109 projects (at any credit level) for a long time.

    Disclaimer I have 5, 6, and 20 projects respectively and should be able to achieve a triple crown in less than a year. The longest (but not hardest) would be the two additional TeraBoks.

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I like the idea of giving out achievement badges, don't think this would be too difficult to implement, but not this holiday weekend

  3. #3
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    No triple crown winner this year. I did have my fingers crossed for the horse from California.
    Bok, have you given any more thought to creating a Free-DC triple crown?

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    A bit, messed about with a little sql last week for it. Haven't forgotten.

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I'm seriously doubting that anyone can achieve this. No-one has right now.

    mysql> select a.cpid from boinc_milestone_makers a where (a.mtype = 'boks' and a.projrank <=10) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers b where b.mtype = 'teraboks' and b.projrank <=10 and a.cpid = b.cpid) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers c where c.mtype = 'trigggls' and c.projrank <=10 and a.cpid = c.cpid);
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

    If we expand it out a little to top10 in Boks but top100 in the other 2 then we get results.

    mysql> select a.cpid from boinc_milestone_makers a where (a.mtype = 'boks' and a.projrank <=10) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers b where b.mtype = 'teraboks' and b.projrank <=100 and a.cpid = b.cpid) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers c where c.mtype = 'trigggls' and c.projrank <=100 and a.cpid = c.cpid);
    | cpid |
    | 3a045e428e45f087f7cc832bdb4791ff |
    | 4b0a4762e72ff7dfbc6384b64aba4722 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    I know a Triple Crown should be difficult, but not impossible right?

  6. #6
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I'm seriously doubting that anyone can achieve this. No-one has right now.

    mysql> select a.cpid from boinc_milestone_makers a where (a.mtype = 'boks' and a.projrank <=10) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers b where b.mtype = 'teraboks' and b.projrank <=10 and a.cpid = b.cpid) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers c where c.mtype = 'trigggls' and c.projrank <=10 and a.cpid = c.cpid);
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

    If we expand it out a little to top10 in Boks but top100 in the other 2 then we get results.

    mysql> select a.cpid from boinc_milestone_makers a where (a.mtype = 'boks' and a.projrank <=10) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers b where b.mtype = 'teraboks' and b.projrank <=100 and a.cpid = b.cpid) and exists (select 1 from boinc_milestone_makers c where c.mtype = 'trigggls' and c.projrank <=100 and a.cpid = c.cpid);
    | cpid |
    | 3a045e428e45f087f7cc832bdb4791ff |
    | 4b0a4762e72ff7dfbc6384b64aba4722 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    I know a Triple Crown should be difficult, but not impossible right?
    It's meant to be HARD to get... although we could find out the rules they use in the races and modify them
    Take a hard one to begin with, then add an easier one and then let everyone (even those who don't got the first two to race the third)
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  7. #7
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    I am not so sure about top 100 in any category...that is just too easy. As it currently stands, the top 100 terabok ranking would include everyone who has 2, and top 100 trigggl ranking again would include everyone who has 2.

    If you think that top 10 in all three categories is too hard then how about top 16 (I like 2^n numbers). [Disclaimer: @16 I should be able to get TC by the end of June.]

    There has been some new projects that even the heavy crunchers could go back and try to get the trigggl segment. They just have to remember not go full throttle with a server farm. And they need to remember to ignore the trigggl level project until the TC achievement has been attained.

  8. #8
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    Also this should be an achievement award that once attained would stay permanently with the cruncher even if the cruncher moved on (thus a difficulty in achieving is needed). Having the cruncher move on (reducing his/her # in each category) would also likely make more slots available to other crunchers to try to achieve this award.

  9. #9
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    even at 16 for all 3 categories no one would currently have the badge.

    Don't know, I'm certainly open to these types of achievement badges, just not sure how many people would try to attain something so difficult.

  10. #10
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    The fact that no one has it right now may be because no one is trying to achieve it, the three categories are sort of transient and therefore crunchers are not likely to sit on them. Many/most people, I believe, have the desire to be the best they can and in terms of boinc this means the most credits possible. Teraboks, boks, and trigggls are the antithesis of most credits possible. If crunchers are similar to me, these three are just milestones to achieve, sit on for a while (as they work on other projects), and then move on to the next milestone. I may be a bit extreme in that I am simultaneously trying for all three when there is no real reward for getting all three. However, if there was some sort of achievement then possibly others may try to achieve it as well.

    With the likes of Ste\/e, Zombie67, et al. goals of being in the top crunchers in any project are very slim for new crunchers. The difficulty of getting MiRBs and more so Maxwells are indicators of this challenge. One benefit of the Triple Crown is it is a goal that newer crunchers will have a reasonable (foreseeable) chance to succeed at. No hundreds of millions or credits needed. In all likelihood there would be only a couple to achieve the triple crown in any given year, but as it stays with you, over time the total number of achievers will grow. Maybe it is like graduating summa cum laude, something to pad the cv and look back on with nostalgia...not everyone can be a Nobel prize winner, but they can at least be the top of their class.

  11. #11
    Administrator AMDave's Avatar
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    deep in a while-loop
    Silver Triple-crown currently showing against Nflight.
    Can you tell us what the current set of criteria are for this ?
    Last edited by AMDave; 09-02-2014 at 04:45 AM.
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  12. #12
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They are undefined. I fixed an issue the other week and it meant they started showing again.

    Related to how much support a user has for Free-DC, be that in a donation or other type of help.

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