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Thread: Maxwells MiRBs and TeraMiRBs

  1. #1
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    West Yorkshire, UK

    Maxwells MiRBs and TeraMiRBs

    I was just sat looking at my stats and a thought occurred to me which is probably quite stupid and completely missing some obvious point but at the moment I can't think what that might be so here is the thought.

    It seems to me that it is just as hard to reach any submilestone as it is a full-blown project milestone. In fact, it is quite possibly harder. To reach 10K or 10M, get a Bok or a TeraBok is absolutely just as hard if not harder for subprojects. So why do sub-projects not seem to qualify for Maxwells, MiRBs, TeraMiRBs or possibly even inclusion in Top10's Top100's or Top1000's (although these last 3 ought to perhaps be SubTop's, which should then themselves be up for a Maxwell etc perhaps)
    I don't feel very strongly about this but I do wonder if some possible cruncher challenge is being overlooked here, and I firmly believe that Free-DC statgazers do like the odd challenge to help motivate them, and on top of all that I think the idea is valid - subproject scores are just as hard to acheive, and they are kind of tucked away and only rewarded on the main screen by the excellent SquarePants.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Well, as present subClank leader i can only support this...

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It's on my to do list.. if only work did not get in the way

  4. #4
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Hey Bok - I'm loving what you have done with the Maxwells / MiRBs and TeraMiRBs! Good man and good work.
    Now if only there were SubProjects, SubTop10s and SubTop100s (obviously also included in MiRBs, TeraMiRBs, Maxwells and SquarePants, I mean that goes without saying) then I think I would shut up for quite some time! ;-)
    Thanks Bok

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