Sr2sieve may be useful to some people as an alternative to proth_sieve for SoB.dat on some machines. It is not as fast as JJsieve, but it is getting faster, and recent versions (1.4.2x) are competitive with the x86 proth_sieve 0.42 binary on Linux.

If anyone want to try it out there are x86 Linux and Windows binaries, and an x86-64 Linux binary, at

In a directory containing SoB.dat (case-sensitive name), create a text file called sr2work.txt containing the sieve range in billions. E.g. the range 1000000-1000001 will sieve 1000000e9 <= p <= 1000001e9. Running `sr2sieve -s -D' will give similar output to proth_sieve.

It should be possible to compile the source on any unix-like system with GCC and GNU make. (some editing of the Makefile and config.h may be necessary). It has been reasonably well tested on x86 and ppc64, but feedback from compiling or testing on other architectures would be welcome.