From David Baker - "We are now trying to get the new version of rosetta up to speed (and more!) in time for CASP8 which starts in about a month. we will need to test new versions more rapidly than usual, and to make this possible without disrupting rosetta@home we would like to grow our test server RALPH. so if you are willing to tolerate test level code (which has a slightly higher frequency of crashing) please sign up on RALPH (we will be updating the executable as we make changes a couple of times a week so you will probably want to have a reasonably fast network connection). if you already split between rosetta and ralph, it would be helpful to increase your ralph time allotment. these adjustments are for the next month only--after this we should have a great new improved version of rosetta for rosetta@home that will be used for the casp8 targets. thanks! David"

This was posted April 4 (sorry, I haven't had much time to check their forums lately). They did just release the new version of miniRosetta a few days ago.

I set up a Free-DC team in RALPH last week (I thought we had one), but they haven't sent out much work lately.

They won CASP 7!