Hi, I'm Sellyme, the co-owner of the Brony@Home Distributed Computing team. Roughly a year ago, when Brony@Home was exclusively a Folding@Home team, the mylittlepony subreddit held a charity competition against r/thelastairbender. One part of this charity competition was on World Community Grid.

(We won convincingly. Just saying.)

Anyway, a while after this happened, Brony@Home had expanded beyond Folding@Home, to have teams on Majestic-12, DIMES, SETI@Home, PrimeGrid, and a handful of other BOINC projects. Due to the success of the r/mylittlepony WCG team, and the involvement of many Brony@Home members with it during and after that competition, I talked with the owner of the WCG team, RainbowCrash, about a merger. We sorted everything out and made an agreement that the pre-existing pony WCG team would become an official part of Brony@Home, as part of Brony@Home's extension into other DC projects.

However, this presented an unfortunate difficulty: in the time before this merger happened, someone (Sunmist2) had unintentionally created their own WCG team called "Brony@Home". That is the team that is currently listed under the Brony@Home CPID statistics, when it is not actually part of Brony@Home, and our actual WCG team is listed as completely separate.

I have tried to contact Sunmist2 in an attempt to help rectify this, but he/she seems completely uncontactable, and the WCG staff were incredibly unhelpful when trying to sort this out.

I was wondering if there was any way that this could be fixed, either methods to make BOINC change the CPID of the WCG team, or for Bok to manually force Free-DC to "merge" the CPIDs.

For reference:
Brony@Home main CPID: 45e2079cde336a24f72956df801bd618 (this is the CPU the "fake" WCG team has)
Brony@Home official WCG team CPID: bb3e96ac93f4d8a5923fdcfb437d9570

TL;DR: How can I make the second CPID change to the first one, and if I can't, can the stats manually be changed so that they check the second CPID instead of the first one for the first CPID's WCG stats?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Also, mostly unrelated, but I joined the Free-DC IRC as linked by the "Chat" thingamabob in the navbar on the stats pages, but there was only one other person in it. The server appears to be more or less completely dead, too, with about 8 public channels showing up in the /list. Is there an active IRC channel on another server or is that the actual IRC, and just really inactive?