I'd like to get all of your ideas and suggestions on how to improve SB's project statistics. Personally, I think we have among the best stats of any distributed project yet -- but I'd like to make them even better!

Here are some of the ideas that I've heard mentioned, either by Louie or by users on the forum.

1) Higher-resolution user stats, i.e. actually trying to get data on how much CPU time the client was getting when, instead of simply smoothing the work over the entire lifespan of the test. (I have my doubts that this is feasible, but if a lot of you beg, I'll really put some hard thought into how we might be able to do it.)

2) Breakdown of production/rate/etc. by machine type, giving a table of the most productive machines or operating systems and so on.

3) Breakdown of production/rate/etc. by country, using a reverse-lookup of the IP addresses. This would give a neat table on which countries do the most work for SB, and might inspire some friendly, competitive nationalism in people.

4) Take-over times for user and team rankings, i.e. an indicator of "how long it will be at your current rate to overtake the person ahead of you in the rankings."

Everyone's encouraged to share their ideas, as I'm open-minded. Help us make our project not only the most powerful, but the most FUN distributed project yet!