I've been finishing up all the basic features on my Stats System for DF over the last month and I've finally reached a point where I'm more or less satisfied with the 'basic functionality' of the site.

I've got a few more additions (most notably the Virtual Teams stuff), but aside from them, it probably wouldn't be too far off the mark to say I'm in a 'code freeze' of sorts before I begin adding the advanced stuff.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've used my stats, statsman's stuff, and reader50's stuff over at Team MacNN extensively and I'm coming to the conclusion that the more 'features' you add, the less usable things become. Lots of features is certainly a *good* thing, but it can be easy to add things in a way that makes everything sort of 'blur together' to the point where you either (a) can't find what you're looking for, or (b) overlook something that you might have really liked.

Right now I'm preparing to roll out themes support for the site, so it seems like now is a good time to consider the issue of usability.

What I'm looking for are suggestions on what people like and don't like about the current layout. Do the colors not work for you? Are the fonts too big/small? Is the navigation too hard to understand? Are some thing too hard to find or not obvious enough? Do the labels for certain pieces of information not make any sense?

The current layout seems OK to me, but that's probably because I'm the one who designed it. Over the years I've found that what works for me, may not make any sense to someone else.

So, if anybody has any complaints, suggestions, or comments, I'd love to hear them. The new theme support can do a whole lot more than just change the 'look' of the pages, so if you have something you'd like to see done differently, let's hear it...