So...there appears to be some issues, eh?

Let me give you guys the story as I see it, and then we'll figure out what (if anything) needs to be done.

Several days (maybe a week) ago, I got an email from Marc. It was basically a notice that he wanted to make some changes to the IRC network he & DP have been providing for our use. Marc's made no secret of the fact that he'd like to increase his user base in the past. He's pimped the IRC services around here fairly often and has even talked about merging with other like minded IRC groups. This is pretty much more of the same. he'd like to increase the number of users on his system and opening it up to non-DC conversations seems like a good way to start.

I've been even more busy than usual lately so I haven't had time to really get involved with this. I've heard that some of you felt like this notice should have been given to the whole group. Maybe, but I don't think it was meant to be a 'secretive' thing, either. Marc & DP were just letting us (IB & me) know their intentions so that we could take whatever action we thought was appropriate as we're essentially 'in charge' around here. It was just a polite notice and I appreciate that.

So, what to do? Well, one of the great things about me being 'in charge' is that I really feel like this should be as much of a democracy as possible. What works for the majority of our family here at Free-DC is pretty much gonna work for me. With that in mind, I'm gonna put this whole thing to a vote. Basically, we have the following options:
  • Leave everything like it is. They'll change the name of their network, and they'll encourage people outside of Free-DC & DC in general to come talk. However, we'll just continue pointing to their servers and there'll be some new faces in the lobby.
  • Stay with DP & Marc, but in our own channel. We continue to point at Marc & DP's servers, but our 'chat' will happen in #freedc or something similar rather than in #lobby.
  • Setup our own IRC servers. We wish DP & Marc the best of luck with their new IRC network, then setup a couple of new, Free-DC/DC only servers and point at them. This gives us what we already had, only with IB & Dyyryath providing the servers instead of DP & Marc.
  • Consider merging with someone else. We consider the possibility of merging with another DC oriented IRC group. Possibily kulish or someone else.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with any of these options. Number one is probably my least favorite, but I'd be fine with any of them. However, since I don't get the chance to use IRC nearly as much as some of you, it probably shouldn't be up to me.

So, vote in the poll, and let's get an idea what everyone's thinking. Whatever the will of the majority seems to be, is how we'll proceed.

Anything that needs to be said about this one way or the other (politely, please) should be said in this thread.