Well I can't find anything about Team Retro but the other 3 we all know Anandtech, the Cows and Ars.

Anandtech have daily stats for SoB so are already aware of our threat, but seem not to be bothered about doing anything about it, yet.

The Cows also have daily stats AND are already talking about how to counter the Free DC march on 2nd in S0B.

Ars, of course, are way up the road and even if they weren't they'd usually roll over and play dead at any hint of a fair fight.

So we are currently on track for 2nd place before 2007.

Daily average now over 50T, weekly stable at over 350T(no surprise there), last 28 day figure now up to 947T. Overtakes Retro, Anandtech and DPC, 61, 63 and 88 days. So could be on target for Bok's sprog's birthday

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