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Thread: Censorship on predictor forums & account deletion

  1. #1

    Censorship on predictor forums & account deletion

    The Predictor@Home administrator is acting massive censorship on his forums and is deleting acconts of users that doesn't have his point of view on the Wate affair that started in february (for the complete story see Boinc Synergy, Boinc.BE and Boincstats forums under the Predictor subsection)

  2. #2
    Howdy all!

    I just wanted to let you all know that what Bruno said was correct---Predictor has started to not only ban people but are also now deleting accounts of people who wanted something done about the user who secretly d/l BOINC on other people's computers. I am one of the one who have been deleted. My only offense was to show my support of the people who were banned for just asking questions. I will admit that there were a couple of people who probably crossed the line. But many others just wanted the admin to do something about this guy. I was never banned or warned that I did anything objectionable. I was deleted by association. Even after I was wiped, I did not receive any reason why this happened. The admin has even labeled everyone who he deleted as "malicious hackers" and "bad apples". I have never seen a project that cared so little for the people who are helping them. If you want to learn more check out many of the other BOINC project's forums (you will barely find any reference to what happened at Predictor since once an account was wiped, the posts were deleted as well). Feel free to read the forums at BOINC Synergy or BOINC.BE as well.

    As you can guess this has really irked me. I wanted to stop by and let you all know what has been happening and to inform you. A lot of people have left Predictor (one way or another) because of the treatment that they have received. Maybe if enough people stopped crunching, they might change their ways. Whether any of you decide to or not is your choice. But I thought you should know.

    Thanks for letting me rant like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    I shall stop.
    Also the same reason i don't do DPad

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I've just read through this mess on a couple of the other forums.

    What a total mess. I was never that fond of Predictor anyway, but I doubt I'll crunch it ever again after reading this..


  5. #5
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    OH Darn I always miss the Fun

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by LAURENU2
    OH Darn I always miss the Fun
    I'm sure if you hurry, you can get banned or wiped as well.

  7. #7
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acmefrog
    I'm sure if you hurry, you can get banned or wiped as well.
    No Not Me I just like to watch people make a fool of them self

  8. #8
    Ancient Haggis Hound Angus's Avatar
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    Me Too!

    There was a thread over there complaining about WU stopping with a "waiting for memory" error message.

    The Braun character blamed it on BOINC, so I pointed out that it's his application that is demanding huge amounts of memory, and BOINC is just reporting it.

    For my trouble, my account got deleted, and my IP banned.


  9. #9
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    For my trouble, my account got deleted, and my IP banned.
    Well it is a select group over there and you just don't fit in (thank G$d)
    But you can always post here about how you see them to be, and warn others about it

  10. #10
    Ancient Haggis Hound Angus's Avatar
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    Not any more!

    Can't even read what Braunie is up to.

  11. #11
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    OK try this use VNC or remote desktop to log onto a Buddy's PC then use that
    Buddy's Desktop to gain access to the INTERNET go to there website and spy.
    Might have to use a new handle like IlovePredictor And wipe all cookies or trace of that site
    Or just use a fresh OS or clean PC

    Bok This would work Right It would hide Angus true IP

  12. #12
    Sorry to hear of your misfortune Angus. I guess the Brauninator is still hard at work wiping any and all who dare to question anything.

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