Quote Originally Posted by LAURENU2 View Post
1St dumb Q
IB I tried running RSCC It looked up all of my Nodes just fine
But it says No Service is running on them,how do I stat a Service on the remotes
Will this give me access to them like VNC does?:looney:
I don't know what RSCC is ...

Edit dnetc.ini for your site.

Copy the two files dnetc.exe and dnetc.ini to a folder on the remote computer. like c:\dcprojects\dnetc
You should share c:\dcprojects as dcprojects on every computer to make this easy.
Then VNC to that computer and start dnetc.exe

Now, if you have dcprojects shared on every computer, you can use a batch file to do the hard work.
if not exist \\remotecomputername\dcprojects\dnetc mkdir dnetc
copy dnetc.exe \\remotecomputername\dcprojects\dnetc
copy dnetc.ini \\remotecomputername\dcprojects\dnetc

CN = computernames
@echo off
for %%i in (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4, CN5 CN6 CN7 CN8 CN9 CN10 CN11) do goto :DOIT %%i

goto :END

echo Processing %1, please wait...
if not exist \\%1\dcprojects echo Could not find %1\dcprojects & goto :EOF
if not exist \\%1\dcprojects\dnetc mkdir \\%1\dcprojects\dnetc
if not exist \\%1\dcprojects\dnetc echo Could not create dnetc on %1\dcprojects & goto :EOF

copy dnetc.exe \\%1\dcprojects\dnetc
copy dnetc.ini \\%1\dcprojects\dnetc
goto :EOF

echo Done!