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Thread: Automated primality testing with LLRnet for CRUS

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  1. #1
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond View Post
    I have not geared up yet and you are pullng boxes off?
    I'll do the work not with LLRnet client but with LLR standard client.

  2. #2
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I changed one of the server settings allowing more number of concurrent connections. The server port 100 had 8 and server port 300 had 16, changed both to 30. Let's see what happens.

  3. #3
    I'll attempt to get everything switch over to running off my proxy in the next hour or 2, should reduce the number of clients connecting to your server but it will increase the amount of time I'm connected.

    Proxy is set to cache 1000 test and uploaded every 100 results. I can increase this if needed?

  4. #4
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond View Post
    I'll attempt to get everything switch over to running off my proxy in the next hour or 2, should reduce the number of clients connecting to your server but it will increase the amount of time I'm connected.

    Proxy is set to cache 1000 test and uploaded every 100 results. I can increase this if needed?
    You can keep your proxy server on, just reduce the number of uploaded results to 50 at time (proxyTosendThreshold = 50).

  5. #5
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    My clients upload each wu as it completes.
    Is there a setting I can change so that it caches 10 wus, finishes 8 and starts looking for the server to upload?
    Also, is there a windows or OSX version of the llrnet server software I can use that might help out?

  6. #6
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    My clients upload each wu as it completes.
    Is there a setting I can change so that it caches 10 wus, finishes 8 and starts looking for the server to upload?
    I think this is the setting:

    -- number of time to retry to send results before going for next WU.
    -- set it to 0 for no retries, for user with no permanent connection
    -- this is the suggested setting as it will save them precious
    -- minutes of useless retries (the program sleep for one minute
    -- between two retries)
    sendRetries = 0

    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    Also, is there a windows or OSX version of the llrnet server software I can use that might help out?

    Give me more 2-3 hours to see if the servers are ok, meanwhile you can start to download this:

    And start changing a few settings on llr-serverconfig.txt file, see bold text.

    -- LLRNet - network part of LLR
    -- (C) 2004-2005 Vincent Penne
    -- (See file LICENSE that must be included with this software)
    -- WARNING: comments start with two dashes

    -- general settings

    -- server name
    -- used in particular to identify the server into the sql stats table
    -- (change this name if you have several servers using the same sql database)
    serverName = ""

    -- port that the server listen to (make sure clients are configured
    -- with the same number)
    port = 100

    -- maximum number of concurrent connections
    maxConnections = 30

    -- maximum allowed time for a user to complete a job (in seconds)
    jobMaxTime = 4 * 24 * 3600 -- 4 days

    -- various files used by the server
    knPairsFile = "knpairs.txt"
    jobListFile = "joblist.txt"
    resultsFile = "results.txt"

    -- if you want the server to regularly prune your knpairs and joblist
    -- files, then uncomment the following line and set the period of
    -- pruning in second.
    prunePeriod = 0.5 * 24 * 3600 -- 1/2 days

    -- (for gurus only)
    if WIN32 then
    no_shell = 1

    -- format used to display numbers in result file
    -- (uncomment the appropriate line)
    --displayFormat = "%s*2^%s+1" -- use this for PRP type test
    displayFormat = "%s*2^%s-1" -- use this for LLR type test (default)

    -- uncomment the following line to remove username check when
    -- accepting a new result
    noUserCheck = 1

    -- you can customize the way the date is displayed
    -- (in joblist.txt and results.txt)
    --function DisplayDate()
    -- return date("%d/%m/%Y\ %r")

    -- PROXY settings
    -- uncomment the following line to make this server a proxy server
    --proxy = 1

    -- address of the parent server
    proxyMasterAddress = "localhost"
    proxyMasterPort = 7000

    -- name of this proxy (change 'nobody' to something else)
    proxyName = "nobody"

    -- size of the proxy cache
    proxyCacheSize = 10

    -- minimum number of results to send back to the main server
    -- at a time
    proxyTosendThreshold = 10

    -- name of the tosend file of the proxy
    tosendFile = "tosend-proxy.txt"

    -- User CALLBACKS

    -- below is an example of callback to log all primes as they are
    -- found into an additional file

    --function OnPrime(t, k, n, job)
    -- local fileprime = openfile("primes.txt", "a")
    -- if fileprime then
    -- write(fileprime, format("[%s]\n", job.resultdate))
    -- write(fileprime, format(displayFormat.." is prime! Time : %d.0 sec.\n",
    -- k, n,
    -- Seconds() - job.seconds))
    -- closefile(fileprime)
    -- end

    -- similarly, you can have another callback called OnResult,
    -- beware that it takes one additional argument (the residue)

    --function OnResult(t, k, n, residue, job)
    -- insert whatever you want here

    -- SQL settings (mySql only at the moment)

    -- uncomment the line below to use SQL
    --sqlUsed = 1

    -- sql general configuration
    sqlServer = "localhost"
    --sqlServerPort = 4000
    sqlDriver = "mysql"
    sqlUser = "llrnet"
    sqlPassword = "llrnet"
    sqlDbName = "llrnet"

    -- SQL user table
    -- uncomment the line below and set the name of the table of users
    --sqlUsersTable = "users"

    -- name of the fields containing the username and the password
    sqlUsernameEntry= "username"
    sqlPasswordEntry= "password"

    -- SQL pairs and results
    -- uncomment the line below and set the name of the tables
    --sqlPairsTable = "pairs"
    sqlJobsTable = "jobs"
    sqlResultsTable = "results"
    sqlRejectedTable= "rejected"

    -- SQL stats
    -- uncomment the line below to allow llrnet server statistics and infos
    -- to be regularly updated into the given sql table
    --sqlStatsTable = "stats"

    -- WIN32 specific settings
    -- uncomment the line below to hide the tray icon on startup
    --hideTrayIcon = 1

    -- change this value if you want to run several client as services
    serviceName = "NPLB_LLRserver"

    -- under WIN32 platform, uncomment the following line to log stdout and stderr
    -- to a file called "stdout.txt"
    --logOutput = 1

    -- MY TEST
    --port = 7001
    --proxy = 1
    --knPairsFile = "knpairs-proxy.txt"
    --jobListFile = "joblist-proxy.txt"
    --proxyCacheSize = 10
    --proxyName = "proxy1"

    --sqlUsed = 1
    --sqlUsersTable = "users"

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by em99010pepe View Post
    I think this is the setting:
    That's wrong .... that is the setup for the main server.

    IB, this all you really need to change

    -- general settings

    -- server name
    -- used in particular to identify the server into the sql stats table
    -- (change this name if you have several servers using the same sql database)
    serverName = "Free-DC_Beyond"

    -- port that the server listen to (make sure clients are configured
    -- with the same number)
    port = 7000

    -- maximum number of concurrent connections
    maxConnections = 8

    -- maximum allowed time for a user to complete a job (in seconds)
    jobMaxTime = 4 * 24 * 3600 -- 14 days

    -- various files used by the server
    knPairsFile = "knpairs.txt"
    jobListFile = "joblist.txt"
    resultsFile = "results.txt"

    -- if you want the server to regularly prune your knpairs and joblist
    -- files, then uncomment the following line and set the period of
    -- pruning in second.
    prunePeriod = 1 * 24 * 3600 -- every days

    -- (for gurus only)
    if WIN32 then
    no_shell = 1

    -- format used to display numbers in result file
    -- (uncomment the appropriate line)
    --displayFormat = "%s*2^%s+1" -- use this for PRP type test
    --displayFormat = "%s*2^%s-1" -- use this for LLR type test (default)

    -- uncomment the following line to remove username check when
    -- accepting a new result
    noUserCheck = 1

    -- you can customize the way the date is displayed
    -- (in joblist.txt and results.txt)
    --function DisplayDate()
    -- return date("%d/%m/%Y\ %r")

    -- PROXY settings
    -- uncomment the following line to make this server a proxy server
    proxy = 1

    -- address of the parent server
    proxyMasterAddress = ""
    proxyMasterPort = 100

    -- name of this proxy (change 'nobody' to something else)
    proxyName = "Free-DC_Beyond"

    -- size of the proxy cache
    proxyCacheSize = 2000

    -- minimum number of results to send back to the main server
    -- at a time
    proxyTosendThreshold = 50

    -- name of the tosend file of the proxy
    tosendFile = "tosend-proxy.txt"

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