Sorry if asked before but these are the steps I performed to do P-1 factoring and I want to make sure it's done properly

- Created account at and joined my team there.
- downloaded latest prime95 version from
- reserved a range in the appropriate thread and saved it in the prime95 folder
- started prime95 and choose "join GIMPS" (then I had to fill in a username/email etc but i assume this is only used if you do mersenne prime finding? <- insecure on this part)
-stopped prime95, added the results.txt=fact.txt to the prime.ini file and restarted prime95.

It's running now and since its working on the first value from the worktodo.ini file I assume this part is correct so far.

Now when I find a factor I only have to submit it at And when the range is done, I'll post it in the coordination thread.