Quote Originally Posted by LAURENU2 View Post
Long time no see Dr. Michael H.W. Weber
Glad to see your still in the game.

Will you be looking into a cuda App for your project?
RNA World will incorporate several additional apps in the future, and, of course, if it turns out that GPU usage is beneficial in terms of computational output we will do our best to make use of it. At present, however, the implemented programs apparently do not profit from GPUs - they have been tested for it. So, currently GPUs have to stay aside.

Quote Originally Posted by LAURENU2 View Post
And when your really ready to test your platform send me a Invite,
(I sent you a request but with no reply from you)
And I will Port 160 cores (400+ Ghz) to see if your site is ready for DC-ing.

To whom exactly did you send your request (to which email address)? I have actually replied to all requests as mandatory for good project support. But maybe something escaped my attention (e.g. spam folder or something of this sort). However, at present without exceptions (for fairness reasons) we have to reject all further participant requests except the team captains (which are automatically imported). There are some final tests going on including resolving a server issue, and, although spare-time operated, we don't want to start with avoidable glitches wherever possible. ;D
