Quote Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Perhaps we should teach Lauren how to OC his machines??????

Nah, scrap that.... let's just get him to 'UP THE VOLTAGE'
While I'm sure we could teach him to OC it is mostly a futile task anymore. I think I need to give you the same lession I gave Lauren about GPUs. If you took one of your Optys and OCed it 10%, how much credit would it earn? I can take an old Semp 2400 and put an ATI 5850 in it and earn about 120,000 credits a day without anything running on the CPU. In fact if I ran anything on the CPU the GPU credit would be reduced by more than the CPU makes. I've just gotten Lauren started good on this and he still has plenty of PCIe slots left ot fill.

BTW which ATIs did you order?