First remove that image as it shows your bitcoin address.

You have bitcoin installed and working. This is your digital wallet that lets you send and receive bitcoins. Think ATM card. Only run that when you need to transfer coins. Write down your Bitcoin address as you will need it later.

Go here to register on Bitclockers. Once registered it will take you to the dashboard. Put in your bitcoin address. Go to the bottom of the page and create a worker. You will need to supply a unique name and password for this worker.

Go here to download the GUIminer. During installation it will ask you where to extract to. I chose a simple path c:\bitcoin\. Once it is finished go to the folder with Guiminer and click on Guiminer.exe

With GUIminer running change the server to bitclockers. Then put in the username and password for the worker you created. Next under device select your GPU and uncheck CPU affinity. The only thing left to do is to clickStart Mining. After a few minutes you should see in the bottom left corner Share: xx accepted where xx is the number of shares you have completed. Once you have everything running, make sure to save the profile. That way it will load the information when it restarts and all you need to do is click start mining.

For GPUs you can create a worker for each one or put them all on one. For CPUs (not recommended) you need a worker for each box. You can check the dashboard for the estimated amount of BTC you will get for the current block. Once the current block is completed you will get your BTCs which you can also see in the dashboard. Once you have enough you can transfer them to the Bitcoin wallet you created. Once they are in your wallet you can spend (transfer) them as you see fit.

I know that you want to know if you can mine and Boinc at the same time. The answer is yes but if you try to use the GPU for both the resources will be shared and output will only be about %50 for each.