Spent some time on this today, mainly because I'm aiming for a 10k on Pirates

Tried diffing a 'broken' host against a working one - Nothing.

Spent ages faffing with Windows networking settings - Nothing.

Did a BOINC repair install - Everything now works!

I can safely say that every BOINC messsage board reporting this problem is full of amateur guesswork. AOL problems? Really? Yeah, proxy? Firewall? Random guesses from people who have no clue

Nope, turns out that BOINC is a flake (Amazed!). Even post-repair I can't see how it screwed up.

So, there ya go. Hope this comes up in a google search to save people the agony of trawling the random cr*p from the BOINC MBs and those that profess to be 'experts'

Oh, Happy New Year BTW
