History of Lisbon IX

Civil War: Liberals and Conservatives

At the end of the eighteenth century, with the American Revolution of 1776, gain weight liberal ideas throughout Europe. In France the Revolution Pops in 1789. In Lisbon liberals rejoice in the defeat of the French aristocracy. Quickly radicalized the Revolution in Paris, falling in the hands of the extreme left and the centrist Napoleon Bonaparte is called to power by Bourgeoisie scared, eventually self nominate Emperor. His policy in Europe is the continental block, ie the prohibition of trade with England. Ally of this country, Portugal refused Napoleon sent Junot at the head of a large army to conquer the country.

Junot comes in Lisbon on November 30, 1807. The Portuguese Royal Family, aristocracy and high clergy had fled the day before to Brazil. Junot is initially well received by the people of Lisbon and sets up the Palace of Queluz. New ideas are discussed by the liberal bourgeoisie of Lisbon with French officers in the cafes of the city, in particular in Nicola Rossio cafe, which establishes the French headquarters. Everyone expects the further reforms of the Marquis of Pombal, but Junot not want to stimulate radical ideas and does nothing. Portugal is a country once considered the divide: Lisbon would be directly incorporated into the French Empire, while the old Portucale would be resurrected in the Kingdom of Northern Lusitania.

The lack of reforms and the violent behavior of the French soldiers leads ultimately to the Supreme Join Government asking for the help of England. It is sent an expeditionary force led by Beresford and Wellesley, and the French outnumbered, are forced to retire at the end of 1808 coming in simultaneously, following a withdrawal agreement, the British in the city where they settle in Arroios. Lisbon suffered economically with the opening of the ports of Brazil to England. The British receive a D. John VI, residing in Rio de Janeiro, government control of the city and country, who run like a colony. The bourgeois party in France are run. Are then constructed defenses in access to capital in Torres Vedras, where from the time of the Romans ended the territory of Lisbon. There is defeated and forced to withdraw the new French invasion force led by André Masséna, in 1811. It would leave the English and some Portuguese under General Wellington to liberate Spain. Napoleon is finally defeated in 1815.

With the Lisbon bourgeois oppression under the British, are the bourgeois of Porto taking control of the city and rebel against British colonialism and the Liberalism in 1820, followed by Lisbon to joining expelling the British governors in a coup. The Courts are convened by the Liberals and promulgated a constitution is 1822, a Charter of Rights, and the end of the privileges of the nobility and clergy. The king's son, D. Miguel de Portugal heads the Conservative Reactionaries absolutists, and starts the Civil War, against the forces of the Revolutionary Liberal Constitutionalists his brother Emperor Pedro I of Brazil, after Pedro IV of Portugal. Is Dom Pedro who wins the war in 1834, but the Constitution is enacted more conservative than expected. However it presents some (few) liberal reforms such as the abolition of the religious orders, and the expropriation of many goods of the Catholic Church, which had supported the Miguelistas. Disillusioned with Don Pedro, no new conspiracy in Lisbon in the year 1836, the Setembristas (petty bourgeoisie and literati) require that the Constitution of 1822, and then the opposite direction, two coups of absolutists, in 1836 and 1837. The country is divided into two radical groups that refuse converse with one another. In this environment of chaos, the great powers of the U.S. plan to divide the colonies and provinces.

In the period of Liberal government (1820-1842) is marked by wars and guerrilla yet are introduced various reforms and developments. It finally implemented the old project of lighting the city, existing in many private homes of the bourgeoisie, between the years 1823 and 1837. Initially with oil lamps, but later with fish oil, will be replaced by gas lamps in 1848. Also constructed is a new network of roads, and are introduced steamships connecting Lisbon to Porto by the sea. Plans are made to launch the railways, but the war with the Conservatives not allow it, and the first section, between Lisbon and Uploaded only be opened in 1856.

This period is marked by the loss of some economic viability of Lisbon. The Brazil becomes independent and its products and gold no longer flow to the Capital. During the Cabralismo noble titles are assigned to many big bourgeois, for compromise, with some success, with the Conservative party. After his loss of earnings from Brazil dependence on state becomes attractive and leisure class fears competition and supports the artificial and rigid social divisions. It is at this time that multiply the Barons and Viscounts off of landed property, many hereditary but many others are restricted to the life of the beneficiary, receiving rents from the state or engaged in corrupt politics of the time. The great territorial aristocracy gains the habit of spending the winter in Lisbon, heading for its solar only in summer however is the people who suffer most from the wars and the loss of Brazil: a city stagnates and loses importance and the fifth most populous Europe moves to the tenth and continues to descend. The jobs become more precarious and poverty increases again.

Tomorrow Lisbon between Europe and Africa. American, Africa and Europe connections with Lisbon.