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Thread: A plea for Maxwells

  1. #1
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Lightbulb A plea for Maxwells

    I would like to suggest that the MegaMilestone for Maxwells be changed so that it is displayed when the user earns 2 (happy with 1 actually) of them instead of the current 3.
    I have come to the conclusion that this would be sensible by realising that I will probably never reach the dizzy heights of 3 Maxwells, or if I do it will take me quite a few years to do so. This is largely because of the amazing records that some people have set in each of the MegaMilestone categories. Essentially for a middle of the road cruncher like me there are just not enough projects currently running for new crunchers to reach the dizzy heights of a Maxwell in all but the more extreme ends of BOINCing. Check it out - there are maybe 50 active projects at the moment, so the first accessible MegaMilestone to a newcomer is 250K - 50 of them! That's a big ask.
    OK a Clanks Maxwell is always going to be accessible to anyone, though only temporarily, and if you know about them in time then Trigggls are too, though Trigggls CAN stop you going for Boks, both of which can impede your ability to get Clanks!

    Many people may not even know what a Maxwell is when they see them mysteriously appear - that is cool - it might inspire them.

    In a nutshell (yeah - about time too) I feel that if you have earned some Maxwells, then you should see them. 3 is just a tad too difficult to get to for all but the elite top few thousand crunchers, give the littler guy (like me and the many tens of thousands like me) a look in.
    Thank you for your time and efforts in providing this excellent site.

    PS Can you get a Maxwell for the number of Maxwells you have?

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
    I would like to suggest that the MegaMilestone for Maxwells be changed so that it is displayed when the user earns 2 (happy with 1 actually) of them instead of the current 3.
    I have come to the conclusion that this would be sensible by realising that I will probably never reach the dizzy heights of 3 Maxwells, or if I do it will take me quite a few years to do so. This is largely because of the amazing records that some people have set in each of the MegaMilestone categories. Essentially for a middle of the road cruncher like me there are just not enough projects currently running for new crunchers to reach the dizzy heights of a Maxwell in all but the more extreme ends of BOINCing. Check it out - there are maybe 50 active projects at the moment, so the first accessible MegaMilestone to a newcomer is 250K - 50 of them! That's a big ask.
    OK a Clanks Maxwell is always going to be accessible to anyone, though only temporarily, and if you know about them in time then Trigggls are too, though Trigggls CAN stop you going for Boks, both of which can impede your ability to get Clanks!

    Many people may not even know what a Maxwell is when they see them mysteriously appear - that is cool - it might inspire them.

    In a nutshell (yeah - about time too) I feel that if you have earned some Maxwells, then you should see them. 3 is just a tad too difficult to get to for all but the elite top few thousand crunchers, give the littler guy (like me and the many tens of thousands like me) a look in.
    Thank you for your time and efforts in providing this excellent site.

    PS Can you get a Maxwell for the number of Maxwells you have?
    I agree, have changed it so that it's displayed if you have any. Will take effect when it runs tonight.

    No, maxwells are only calculated based on all the other MM's

  3. #3
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    That is excellent, thanks Bok.
    I imagine there will be a few slightly confused people tomorrow, wandering what exactly it was they did to suddenly get a new MegaMilestone.

  4. #4
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Cool Bok - but whilst it's nice to see the full list of Maxwell owners, but I am baffled - at first I thought that as it still says "Most maxwells Scores (>2 for inclusion)" that meant that it still wouldn't appear in the "Mega Milestones" box on my CPID stats, but having gone down the full list of Maxwell's I appear to not be in it despite being fairly sure that at the moment I had 2, one for Clanks and one for TeraBoks. Has my quest for Maxwells been in vain? ;-) Have I misunderstood something obvious?

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I'll fix the title, but yes I'm afraid you aren't quite there yet based in the definition. (It's difficult!).

    Here is a quick breakdown of your metadata, remember you need to have at least half of the max to get the maxwell..., so score below needs to be >= maxwellsmax

    mysql> select mtype,score,maxwells,maxwellsmax from mm where cpid = 'fa1a611d7c2bb42d13617eb6b8903f8c';
    | mtype | score | maxwells | maxwellsmax |
    | 100k  |    13 |        0 |         123 |
    | 10k   |    58 |        0 |         131 |
    | 10m   |     1 |        0 |          22 |
    | 1k    |    61 |        0 |         137 |
    | 1m    |     5 |        0 |          78 |
    | 2.5m  |     2 |        0 |          46 |
    | 250k  |     6 |        0 |         102 |
    | 25k   |    23 |        0 |         127 |
    | 500k  |     6 |        0 |          89 |
    | 50k   |    13 |        0 |         124 |
    | 5m    |     2 |        0 |          28 |
    | 750k  |     6 |        0 |          82 |
    | p100  |     3 |        0 |         113 |
    | p1000 |    25 |        0 |         138 |
    | proj  |    61 |        0 |         141 |
    15 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    Here is mine for comparison..

    mysql> select mtype,score,maxwells,maxwellsmax from mm where cpid = 'c843714b32e467b97d2571d1af9971f8';
    | mtype | score | maxwells | maxwellsmax |
    | 100k  |   101 |        1 |         123 |
    | 10k   |   117 |        1 |         131 |
    | 10m   |     2 |        0 |          22 |
    | 1k    |   127 |        1 |         137 |
    | 1m    |    10 |        0 |          78 |
    | 2.5m  |     6 |        0 |          46 |
    | 250k  |    22 |        0 |         102 |
    | 25k   |   107 |        1 |         127 |
    | 500k  |    12 |        0 |          89 |
    | 50k   |   102 |        1 |         124 |
    | 5m    |     3 |        0 |          28 |
    | 750k  |    10 |        0 |          82 |
    | p10   |     3 |        0 |          48 |
    | p100  |    49 |        0 |         113 |
    | p1000 |   104 |        1 |         138 |
    | proj  |   134 |        1 |         141 |
    16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  6. #6
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Oh! Do I take it from that data that you don't get a Maxwell for Boks/TeraBoks/Trigggls/Clanks and Viaos?
    Whyever not? Surely Boks and TeraBoks are good enough for a Maxwell BoK? ;-)
    BTW That's a fine set of data you have there. Well done.

  7. #7
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    hmm, maybe I should change that. Will take a look today.

  8. #8
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Bok! You are a star (You make it look too easy though ;-) r
    I now have a Maxwell! - not sure for which of Clanks or for TeraBoks but I don't care! Unless you have set them to be > rather than >= half the maxwellsmax?
    Many thanks though, I have one - that is all that mattered to me! :-)

  10. #10
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Still a minor bug, fixed, you should and now do have 2. One for Clanks and one for Teraboks..

  11. #11
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Wow! Now I feel I have finally arrived in the BOINC/Free-DC Community - thanks for your help and time - Cheers Bok.

  12. #12

    A plea for Maxwells

    Hi. Yes you told me who you were without me asking, ty for that.
    Now, as for your unbanning based upon recent unbannings. When you are banned for as long as they were, please feel free to post a plea for your unbanning.
    We will talk about it then.

  13. #13


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