Quote Originally Posted by ChertseyAl View Post
First make sure that the fan isn't stopping (or isn't even starting up). Those crappy little fans die regularly. You might be able to revive it with a few drips of Tri-Flow into any gaps around the motor. Fans are cheap to replace anyway. While you're there, blow out the 'heatsink' with compressed air, it'll be totally clogged, they always are.

Another thing, which sounds utterly stupid, is try another power supply. I spent ages try to get an Acer laptop to stop crashing, freezing and turning itself off randomly. It looked exactly like a HDD problem to me, but it wasn't. Although the PSU was apparently giving a solid 19.2VDC off load it was obviously randomly dropping out. I had a spare lying around and it fixed the weird problems instantly. Cheap enough to buy a new one.


The Fan appears to be working as I can hear it spin up and down, and it passed the hardware fan speed test..
I'll see if I can't get into it and clear it out...
PSU - hmm yeah might be that don't have a spare laying around to test it but can try it..