The fact that no one has it right now may be because no one is trying to achieve it, the three categories are sort of transient and therefore crunchers are not likely to sit on them. Many/most people, I believe, have the desire to be the best they can and in terms of boinc this means the most credits possible. Teraboks, boks, and trigggls are the antithesis of most credits possible. If crunchers are similar to me, these three are just milestones to achieve, sit on for a while (as they work on other projects), and then move on to the next milestone. I may be a bit extreme in that I am simultaneously trying for all three when there is no real reward for getting all three. However, if there was some sort of achievement then possibly others may try to achieve it as well.

With the likes of Ste\/e, Zombie67, et al. goals of being in the top crunchers in any project are very slim for new crunchers. The difficulty of getting MiRBs and more so Maxwells are indicators of this challenge. One benefit of the Triple Crown is it is a goal that newer crunchers will have a reasonable (foreseeable) chance to succeed at. No hundreds of millions or credits needed. In all likelihood there would be only a couple to achieve the triple crown in any given year, but as it stays with you, over time the total number of achievers will grow. Maybe it is like graduating summa cum laude, something to pad the cv and look back on with nostalgia...not everyone can be a Nobel prize winner, but they can at least be the top of their class.