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Thread: Stats Issues

  1. #121
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    Thanks, Bok. My programming expertise is WAY on the other end of things from what you do. (I'm into assembler-coded device drivers and the like.) Can you tell me in a nutshell what I OUGHT to see at "Index of /poem/stats"? I would like to be able to detect this sort of problem w/o bothering you, but I'm not sure what I'm seeing that I shouldn't or not seeing that I should.

    If it's too complicated, then never mind, unless you could point me to somewhere I could learn a little about it...
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  2. #122
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    just the timestamps on the files really. Nothing complex

    They were Dec 2nd when I looked, but looks like they have updated today.

  3. #123
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    Ah! That's easy. Yep, they have and the stats are back. I know zip about databases but I can certainly see if it's being updated. Thanks again.
    HOME: A physical construct for keeping rain off your computers.

  4. #124
    My Mega Milestones badge has disappeared in the last few days; any idea what could have happened?

  5. #125
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Sorry, only just noticed this in the moderated list.

    When you say missing, missing from where ? Can you provide a link?

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Sorry, only just noticed this in the moderated list.

    When you say missing, missing from where ? Can you provide a link?
    It's missing from my badge display, as shown in my original post. I had a Ruby MM badge until recently and now it just doesn't appear any longer.
    Last edited by RFGuy_KCCO; 12-13-2014 at 06:16 PM.

  7. #127
    Member Peter J. Shane's Avatar
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    Hi BOK. I know that this has been brought up from time to time and I am wondering what is your current policy regarding ACTIVE vs RETIRED projects. It is getting harder and harder to plan what to crunch or research when non active projects are mixed in with active projects. For example: BigData@Home is listed in the Active projects, yet it has not been active for over three years, it does not export stats and its website is inaccessible. Since there are numerous projects like that, it takes us a lot of time to research. Why can't it be moved together with all the others to the Retired Projects. I admit that I know nothing about programming but it seems to me that it can be done as we do have listed Retired Projects. So when will they likely to be classified Retired?

    Personally, I do not support projects whose Admins do not advise volunteers what is going on, threaten to close the project unless we donate to keep it going, etc. Electricity costs are going up and up and I am getting to be choosy as to whom I support. Therefore, if they just disappear, stop issuing WU's for over a month, I consider that they are no longer interested in volunteer help and should be Retired accordingly. Surely, a month should be enough to fix any Technical problems and advise the users accordingly.
    Keep on Crunching and have a nice day...

  8. #128
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruncher Pete View Post
    Hi BOK. I know that this has been brought up from time to time and I am wondering what is your current policy regarding ACTIVE vs RETIRED projects. It is getting harder and harder to plan what to crunch or research when non active projects are mixed in with active projects. For example: BigData@Home is listed in the Active projects, yet it has not been active for over three years, it does not export stats and its website is inaccessible. Since there are numerous projects like that, it takes us a lot of time to research. Why can't it be moved together with all the others to the Retired Projects. I admit that I know nothing about programming but it seems to me that it can be done as we do have listed Retired Projects. So when will they likely to be classified Retired?

    Personally, I do not support projects whose Admins do not advise volunteers what is going on, threaten to close the project unless we donate to keep it going, etc. Electricity costs are going up and up and I am getting to be choosy as to whom I support. Therefore, if they just disappear, stop issuing WU's for over a month, I consider that they are no longer interested in volunteer help and should be Retired accordingly. Surely, a month should be enough to fix any Technical problems and advise the users accordingly.
    I'm not a huge proponent of separating them out at all to be honest, though not against 'marking' them as inactive in some other way.

    Perhaps this will help you though. If you go to my rewrite version of the stats (in progress) to the main page - and just click the heading for last 28 days to sort it descending it will show all active projects in the last 28 days which gives a pretty good indication??

    btw, I've crunched BigData wu's within the past year, but it does seem to be gone at the moment.

  9. #129
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RFGuy_KCCO View Post
    It's missing from my badge display, as shown in my original post. I had a Ruby MM badge until recently and now it just doesn't appear any longer.
    Fixed this, looks like there was a typo and the 30-35 range were getting missed. You jumped into that range recently. I need to add a new color, but for now 30-40 are the same.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Fixed this, looks like there was a typo and the 30-35 range were getting missed. You jumped into that range recently. I need to add a new color, but for now 30-40 are the same.
    Excellent! Thank you!

  11. #131
    Member Peter J. Shane's Avatar
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    Thanks BOK that does help....Now if only I could hide or delete unwanted Retired projects from my Stats config.
    Keep on Crunching and have a nice day...

  12. #132
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    My Bitcoin Utopia efforts seem to go a bit unnoticed. In this view I think that I miss my reached 250 Million mega milestone (as well as on top of 'Recent Milestones across BOINC projects' this view here). It seems a bit strange that a Megamilestone is not considered being a 'normal' Milestone.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 01-02-2015 at 06:01 PM. Reason: sub projects have rectified themselves

  13. #133
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruncher Pete View Post
    Thanks BOK that does help....Now if only I could hide or delete unwanted Retired projects from my Stats config.
    Easy - if you want rid of them - remove them from the statstool page and they'll be gone!
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  14. #134
    seti@home Beta isn't updating in stats. Thanks again for this site!

  15. #135
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They haven't exported stats in a while..
    Last edited by Bok; 01-09-2015 at 08:27 AM.

  16. #136
    On this page:
    at certain times of day in the team data line it will show, I think, accurate total points, but in the individuals section it will only show a small fraction of the total. When it does this, only Northern European members are listed (two of them - petrusbroder and mk).
    Also when it does this it shows Tony T. as only having 70,250,783 total points and he actually has over 80,000,000. (Tony T. recently changed his name to 10esseeTony, could that have caused problems?)

    Later in the day the data seems correct.

    Maybe you can get more useful information here:

  17. #137
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Didn't see this as it went to moderation.

    ugh, corrupt table on one of the databases. I'll fix now, so it will correct itself within an hour or so when the next updates occur on this database.

  18. #138
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Is it just me, or was the last database update indeed long ago?

  19. #139
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    The database server is really struggling right now, it needs some major maintenance. It's throttled back to 1.6Ghz for one and is showing errors on one drive. I'll see what I can do but will have to take it offline for a while later today.

  20. #140
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Just made a small donation, hopefully if more people do then it'll help keep this excellent site going. Wish it could have been more.
    I didn't realise that you could look at the stats without the Bitcoin figures! I would love to be able to see that - hopefully I will be able to if you get enough donations. What is the URL for that should Free-DC make a comeback?

  21. #141
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It's listed on the left side. Combined users / teams without Bitcoin

    They are back but those aren't updating right now. Took them out to speed things up a little. I'll put them back at some point.

  22. #142
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Oh I see. I think I jumped to the conclusion that you meant there was a CPID page with all the user rankings without Bitcoin, but that would look pretty much the same apart from the combined totals and ranks.
    I suppose the one number I would be interested in seeing easily on the CPID page would be my overall rank without Bitcoin. That seems quite hard to find without scrolling around in the "combined users without Bitcoin" table. And really, I am not sure why I care about it, as to me it is just an indicator of how many people have spent the money on Bitcoin specific kit. Fairly pointless information to me at least.
    Keep up the good work Bok, glad to see it up and running again.

  23. #143
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    Just chipped in to the dead stats server psu fund... probably about time considering how much I use these stats....

    But tell me, What hardware do you have running?

    With such a large community of fans of distributed computing I wonder if we cannot, between us, put together another backup server or even fund or provide parts for the upgrade of the current one.

    I wonder if it might help to publish a wish list of parts that between us we might fulfil

    Open to ideas to try to sell to my team and contacts


  24. #144
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Just moved them back online. Will post about it separately. I've got a new server coming very soon hopefully.. And I have some other servers recently donated, but they are true,older, server class machines and my initial tests on one of them as a DB server was about twice as slow as my current machine unfortunately. Plus it is very loud and I presume very thirsty so unsure what to do there.

  25. #145
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    The stats are not showing at the moment, affecting signatures too.

    Edit: stats are up again, as can be seen from my signature!
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 05-31-2015 at 08:40 AM.

  26. #146
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    For some unknown reason the database server rebooted overnight. I'm out of town without a laptop at all but logged in from my phone and started things back up.

    I just noticed that the universe test project looks like it picked up the main project stats, probably a DNS referral from their site but I don't think I can fix it till I'm home on Tuesday...

  27. #147
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    I've noticed something odd. I keep going up and down in the team stats and there is nobody near me overtaking me. The few people immediately above me are inactive (0 recent credit). I went from 102 yesterday to 104 today. It's been doing this at least the last week. According to BS, I'm at #99. I just hit 100 on Wednesday or Thursday. So whatever is affecting the positioning here seems to be independent of the actual stats... Could it be there are some people FDC isn't registering right so they are disappearing off the charts periodically??

    P.S. I just refreshed the stats. I'm at 103 now yet it says I'm down >2<... Are you using the Enron calculation module?

  28. #148
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RFGuy_KCCO View Post
    My Mega Milestones badge has disappeared in the last few days; any idea what could have happened?

    I seem to have lost my Mega Milestones badge as well. Used to be the same color as Bok's.

  29. #149
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    hmm, It's actually because you have gone beyond my top limit. You have 42 MM's and I was only going up to 40. I've extended it to 50 for now.

  30. #150
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavanius View Post
    I've noticed something odd. I keep going up and down in the team stats and there is nobody near me overtaking me. The few people immediately above me are inactive (0 recent credit). I went from 102 yesterday to 104 today. It's been doing this at least the last week. According to BS, I'm at #99. I just hit 100 on Wednesday or Thursday. So whatever is affecting the positioning here seems to be independent of the actual stats... Could it be there are some people FDC isn't registering right so they are disappearing off the charts periodically??

    P.S. I just refreshed the stats. I'm at 103 now yet it says I'm down >2<... Are you using the Enron calculation module?
    Links links links....

    Could be any number of reasons, I calculate a users 'overall' team as that team where they are on that the 'most'. So if they have 100 projects and have 40xteam A, 39xteam B and 21xTeam C their overall team would be team A

    but I'd need to see it, so give me some links and I'll check.

  31. #151
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Links links links....

    Could be any number of reasons, I calculate a users 'overall' team as that team where they are on that the 'most'. So if they have 100 projects and have 40xteam A, 39xteam B and 21xTeam C their overall team would be team A

    but I'd need to see it, so give me some links and I'll check.
    Dropped to 99 today rising 4 from yesterday matching BS.

    I'm not on multiple teams though. I'm long past the phase of any transition issues and I haven't modified anything since last week. (I know combining computers wreaks some havoc on stats.) It's not just me though because the people above and below me are moving up and down alongside me too like there are people moving in and out of the team in the upper ranks. I did a quick and dirty check against Top 100 on BS team list and there were a few names shifted downward on Free-DC stats.

    Also if I went from 102 to 104 and back down to 103, how is that a net of -2? It should either be -1 from the main update or +1 since the incremental update.

  32. #152
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    I seem to have lost my Mega Milestones badge as well. Used to be the same color as Bok's.
    You rolled over, so you have to get to 40 million again. Just think of it as a new challenge...

  33. #153
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    looks like there is a discrepancy between the two databases (I flip flop between two). Most likely it's caused by old rogue user rows on some projects. It'll take some time to clean up.

    FWIW I do not do incremental updates...

  34. #154
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    hmm, It's actually because you have gone beyond my top limit. You have 42 MM's and I was only going up to 40. I've extended it to 50 for now.

  35. #155
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    FWIW I do not do incremental updates...
    I think the discrepancies made it look like there were incremental updates...

  36. #156
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    looks like there is a discrepancy between the two databases (I flip flop between two). Most likely it's caused by old rogue user rows on some projects. It'll take some time to clean up.

    FWIW I do not do incremental updates...
    Looks like you may have done some work. When I checked today, my rank matched the BS rank exactly. I only checked twice, so I can't be positive it's all good, but it's looking good.

    EDIT: Okay, maybe not. Earlier today it showed me at 102 down 2. Then later in the day it showed me 100 down 2. Then after the brief outage just shortly ago, it's showing 99 down 2.
    Last edited by Yavanius; 06-21-2015 at 04:39 PM.

  37. #157
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Constellation@Home is running again and has been updating scores at BOINCStats since 2015-06-11. At FreeDC the scores are unaltered since.

  38. #158
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Constellation@Home is running again and has been updating scores at BOINCStats since 2015-06-11. At FreeDC the scores are unaltered since.
    The project isn't doing anything with the results. There's not much point running a project for nothing. BOINC even delisted them because of it.

  39. #159
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavanius View Post
    The project isn't doing anything with the results. There's not much point running a project for nothing. BOINC even delisted them because of it.
    According to me you are confusing Constellation with Pirates.
    They -Constellation- are *NOT* delisted: I can still add Constellation as a project through my Boinc Manager, About Constellation shows what they do with the results. They did have some serious server troubles, during which they were unable to communicate with the volunteers and vice-versa.

  40. #160
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It looks like there is a problem with the hosts file causing it all to bomb out, I'll switch off host processing and see if that fixes it for now.

    FWIW the download speeds from the constellation website are awful. 2k per second at most...

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