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Thread: Stats site and hardware

  1. #1
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Stats site and hardware

    So, a little more about the outage today and then where we stand.

    The PSU was dead, as well as the UPS which it was attached to which was kind of weird, but maybe one caused the other. Anyway I got it up and running with a spare, older PSU. Don;t get me wrong this machine is still fairly robust.

    A few weeks ago a very generous member from the team donated a few servers. One of them was a Dell R900. This is a huge machine, with 4 xeon processors, 64Gb Ram and two 15K 300Gb drives. I needed to add some drives, but first of all I installed linux on it and thought I'd see what it was like running some of my more intensive calculations. Well, it was a little slower than expected. Maybe due to the memory interconnect? Not really sure. I still need to spend more time on it. Been in and out of town last few weeks in Dallas so hard to find quality time.

    Another very generous member of Free-DC has also offered to build a server, which would be very powerful. Dual xeon, 72gb Ram, SSD's. That would be a very good DB server and I could also leave the current one as a failover (leave it running. I'll talk more on that later.

    I may have a bitcoinutopia campaign setup at some point in the next few weeks which will also help.

    For reference I estimate it costs me roughly $120 pm to run the systems, so donations certainly help out with that.

    Coming up in the future, we are very close to getting TWC MAXX in my area, which will bump my connection to 300/30 from the current 50/5. No extra costs involved, but I will need to replace my aging firewall to take advantage, but that's not essential (it's a P2-800 or something running smoothwall). I did receive a newer gigabit router recently to take care of one of the places. Was supposed to get Fiber last year but it seems like the company that started putting in the lines went out of business )

    More later.

  2. #2
    Bok, not sure what kind of router you are looking for, but I have been looking for an excuse to upgrade mine. If you are interested, I'd be happy to donate my ASUS RT-AC66U running Merlin's firmware. It will easily handle a 300/30 connection (crazy that this little box can outperform a P2-800... thank you, Moore's Law). Just let me know and it is yours.

  3. #3
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    Something wrong with the stats the last few days. Can reach the site but the data is either incorrect or absent depending on when I log in.

    bok are you working on it?

  4. #4
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    . double post
    Last edited by vaughan; 06-12-2015 at 07:40 AM. Reason: 2x post

  5. #5
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vaughan View Post
    Something wrong with the stats the last few days. Can reach the site but the data is either incorrect or absent depending on when I log in.

    bok are you working on it?
    According to our stats, there are two people on the team... you are not one of them Bok.

    First thing noticed is it doesn't show me associated with a team although the team page link works. The other thing is that the site says there are only 2 people on the team in the pie graphs but nothing is listed in the chart...

  6. #6
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Looks like it's working okay now... but wow, what a nice membership climb... 373 new members from just 2 people!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    The 373 people left. It's just Darkness Productions and Weber again.

    Checked stats when I came home. No team again. Checked about an hour later... Team is back but Team stats are screwy. Also, it said I'm #0 in the team for BOINC combined on my stats page...

    Looks like this is intermittent. Here's a hammer (hands you Thor's hammer)...

  8. #8
    CO2 Emissions Algae Scientist Nflight's Avatar
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    Total amounts for all time and daily super imposing over last three days. I can't tell if I am losing or winning most of the time. hardware needs to be burped!

  9. #9
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    That's not very clear info.... there was a crashed table that I took care of this morning, but that's the only thing I'm aware of.

    I've got new hardware sitting here, just very little time to get it configured And no end in sight for that, got trips to Dallas and Detroit next week.

  10. #10
    CO2 Emissions Algae Scientist Nflight's Avatar
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    Asteroids - My current credit values are not showing after the approximate 9:30 AM EST update. I am back to Monday Nov 30th values, while the first update clearly showed the full deposition of values correctly at the beginning of the day, say near the 5:30 AM update. By the next update the values will return to normalcy and possibly new values added on say around 12:30 PM this will occur. And once again the values will be removed back to Nov 30 values (10,560 pts) to be completely wiped off the stats page of my CPID. Following through this ordeal since Monday has shown instability in maintaining the values consistently throughout the day. You must continue to monitor my CPID page to see the fluctuations I am seeing. Since I am running Prime Grid at the same time this Project shows nothing but continued progress with no slippage of credit values through out each and everyday. What if any can be done to stop this crazy situation I am observing?

  11. #11
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I looked at it briefly last night but nothing sprang out, basically the job runs to completion on one of the databases but just does not complete on the other but no errors, no tables are corrupt.

    So still checking.

  12. #12
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I looked at it briefly last night but nothing sprang out, basically the job runs to completion on one of the databases but just does not complete on the other but no errors, I did find a corrupted country data table so that might have been the cause but need to wait until the next update to find out. Which is around about now.

  13. #13
    CO2 Emissions Algae Scientist Nflight's Avatar
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    The project worked flawlessly since Dec 2 2015, Suddenly this evening my stats on Asteroids disappeared again. And after looking at the whole Project page: Everyone lost their posts for today as well. There are Gremlins in the machine, or Minions!

  14. #14
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I think it's having network issues downloading the host file and taking way too long, then the stats fail on one of the db's as it can;t open the file.

    Not sure yet, have switched off host updates for now and will see how it runs.

  15. #15
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I think it's having network issues downloading the host file and taking way too long, then the stats fail on one of the db's as it can;t open the file.

    Not sure yet, have switched off host updates for now and will see how it runs.

  16. #16
    CO2 Emissions Algae Scientist Nflight's Avatar
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    Gridcoin Finance the Project - This project has deleted people accounts as they detach from the project as instructed via Notices on the BOINC Manager. Once you remove the project, Gridcoin Staff remove your account completely from their records. All previous work I had done right up to Wednesday when I followed their instructions to remove and re-attach was a false lie. I have not been able to re-connect.

    So over the course of last nights update since I was no longer listed as ever having an account my scores were removed from my CPID listing that I had ever worked on the project at all. It now seems that Gridcoin Admins wants only people willing to work under the Gridcoin Team guise and any other team is banished. So if it is possible to go back and capture my credits I had accumulated in that project I would be very happy Cruncher.

    Yes this scenario has never happened before, Some selfish group deems themselves better then all the rest to have only one Team effort. I am lost for words

  17. #17
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    hmm, unfortunately not. Normally I would be able to restore from backup but it seems my backup where it would be is corrupted. The only thing I have right now is a last milestone of 20000 you reach on 12/15.

    Even if I did recreate a row though, it would just be overwritten on the next xml output from gridcoin. It's a right mess over there.

  18. #18
    When I loook at my stats on the main page I click on my position to see where I am at and how many I am overtaking. When I click on my position in the project it always takes me to a page the shows positions 4544 spots higher than what is reported on the main page. When I put my position in the jump to box it does the same thing

  19. #19
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    If you can provide some links I can take a look. It'll likely go into the moderation queue, but I'll approve it.

  20. #20
    This is the page i was directed to this morning.

    when i click on 422125 i get taken to this page
    the page starts out with rankings 417625 thru 417724

  21. #21
    This morning my rank is 422125

    it takes me to which displays ranks 416625 thru 417724

  22. #22
    This morning my rank is 422125

    it takes me to which displays ranks 416625 thru 417724

  23. #23
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    ah, ok, now I understand.

    This is due to the fact that there are so many 'rogue' combined user rows in the database due to continual split CPID's. I've cleaned them all up so it might be closer but without continual deletion of these it'll unfortunately never be completely accurate.

    I could change the SQL to ignore the old ones, might be a little slower though, but will check into it.

  24. #24
    Did you know that the WCG, World Commun8ity Grid, stats aren't coming thru right now? I checked another stats site, Boincstats, and they are coming thru over there just fine, but I prefer your layout and stats better than their site.

  25. #25
    Did you know that the WCG, World Community Grid, stats aren't coming thru right now? I checked another stats site, Boincstats, and they are coming thru over there just fine, but I prefer your layout and stats better than their site.

  26. #26
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Yes, i know about it, started about a month ago and I even posted over at WCG with no real response. I seem to be blocked somehow. I got round it by using a proxy for a while, but now it's failing again. I tried 10 different proxies this morning but could not get good copies of the files.

    Still working on it...

  27. #27
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    Hi Bok,
    Are you still having issues? There was a 3 or 4 day hiatus of results which then cleared but now all I get is the 'Loading Stats' wheel of tedium and no stats at all.

  28. #28
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I ended up paying $60 for a VPS linux server out in the cloud and set up a squid transparent proxy on there and I'm point to that, It's been fine since then as far as I know.

    I'm seeing the stats ok today, might just be a rogue ad that is causing the spin for you, try clearing cookies ?

  29. #29
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I ended up paying $60 for a VPS linux server out in the cloud and set up a squid transparent proxy on there and I'm pointing to that, It's been fine since then as far as I know.

    I'm seeing the stats ok today, might just be a rogue ad that is causing the spin for you, try clearing cookies ?

  30. #30
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Wasn't quite sure where to post this especially as I can't post in the parent to this forum...

    So I was wondering Bok, would it be possible to create a modified stats that would filter out the driftwood out of the stats. Basically, anybody/team who hadn't posted results in say 6 months would be scoured out of the stats. So the end result would reflect only active users/teams? It'd be kind of like RAC, except it wouldn't be taking the average...

  31. #31
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    it's possible of course, but it would take processing power, much like the nonBitcoinUtopia stats do which would in turn slow down the updates.

    I could possibly do it with some views. When I get time I'll try it out and see how it looks.

  32. #32
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Yeah, I realize it'll take some extra time but wouldn't it just be a matter of checking against the current date - 6 months and skipping? Or would it be better just parsing them all out and then making the secondary stats?

    As not to kill the server, how about just doing every few days or just set days of the week? (M-W-Sa?)

    I think they're might be some interest in a more realistic comparison instead of active participants instead of every entry since the dawn of BOINC.

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