Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
According to me you are confusing Constellation with Pirates.
They -Constellation- are *NOT* delisted: I can still add Constellation as a project through my Boinc Manager, About Constellation shows what they do with the results. They did have some serious server troubles, during which they were unable to communicate with the volunteers and vice-versa.
You're confusing BOINC and your BOINC manager. If you go to BOINC website Constellation is no longer listed. If you check the BOINC forum, Dr Anderson commented on it. If you check Constellation's forums you'll see the project head been incommunicado for some time. If you delve a little deeper, it seems the head has other projects on their plate...

So the lights are on, yes, the grass is mowed, yes, but nobody is home...