Quote Originally Posted by KWSN-SpongeBobSquarePants View Post
....Knight Who Says Ni!..... (her/ it/ they)!
it? It?? IT???

I asked Bok, who graciously accepted my spam, to create a new category of stat that would encompass (ass is in that word Ha! ) a metric that would capture the total sum output of the effort expended in BOINC. Mirbs are the number of categories that you have a score in, (i.e. 1ks, 10ks, etc.) TeraMirbs are the ones in which your Mirbs are ranked in the Top 100 of Boinc users.

I suggested that a total Breadth and Depth of numbers which included EVERY Mega Milestone you had would give a total value to the power of Scale, absolute numbers, and Scope, the number of projects participated in.
My SquarePants is 1150. I've participated in 94 projects. I've got 29 Mega Milestones. 94 x 29 = 2726. Can Bok or the KWSN tell me where I've gone wrong? Thanks!!