There are four Cesium_133's:
One without * at the end from Canada (both team and country), first seen on Mon, 06 Jun 11 and only doing Constellation@Home. My guess is that he/she is not related to you, but I may be wrong.

Then there's three from your team, Sicituradastra, beginning with one first seen on Sat, 17 Jan 09 -43881931215f25809592945129a4169e-. he's doing mostly retired projects like FreeHAL@Home (86,343), Climate Prediction (43,535), QMC@Home (27,946), Orbit@Home (15,715), ABC@Home (5,187), Beal@Home (1,000), Drug Discovery@Home (724), Optima@Home (144), Gerasim@Home, still active project (102), Superlinkattechnion (61) and Plagiarism@Home (21).

Another Cesium_133* with a taste for retired projects is 7bd7cee607ad34b8fc87ea7a13907ee3, first seen on Mon, 01 Dec 08, doing Spinhenge@Home (62,744), Correlizer (10,181), OProject@Home (4,184), Virtual Prairie (3,802), Seti@Home, still active project (3,557), Intelligence Realm (3,375), Seti@Home Beta, still active project (2,687), YAFU, still active project (2,599), Riojascience@Home (2,292), Eon (1,4580), FightMalaria@Home, still active homepage (1,376), Distributed Data Mining, still active project (1,271), SHA Collision (1,270), GeneticLife@Home (1,223), Hydrogen@Home (864), Cels@Home (750), Nqueens (734), Volpex@UH, still active project (724), AlmereGrid (427), Magnetism@Home (273), Ufluids@Home (217), Citizen Science Grid, still active project (194), Rectilinear Crossing (96), AlmereGrid Test (19), SUDOKU@VTAIWAN (16), Physics@Home (12).

You could try to merge these two into 636c1b923aad4eda6740be0afbee2e90 yourself -at least for the still active projects- by adding the projects to your present machines and by updating those projects.