So I was testing this Nebbers idea out yesterday and I calculated on my spreadsheet how many I would get as a test, and for a laugh I added a line to the bottom of the MMs data that I import to see it's effect on my various other tables/graphs.
Well... we are just moving to the highest Tier of Covid Restrictions here this weekend so I might as well get used to filling my time!
Anyway, having been pushed into guessing my rank for Nebbers I thought that it might be amusing - if only for me - to publish my predictions just so I have something to really look forward to in Lockdown - Namely "Just how wrong could I be?"
So with that, here are the predictions from my panel of experts ;-)

MM Type Nebbers
Many 53
RankP 300
RankT 3
RankC 14
#Maxwell 80
#TeraMiRB 49
#MiRB 12

Ooh! I just can't wait!